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Local Geofencing Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK

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Presentation on theme: "Local Geofencing Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Geofencing Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK

2 Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK
Local Geofencing Using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK

3 Agenda What’s a Geofence Using Webmaps to define Geofence
Location Awareness Demo


5 message

6 “This bridge will be closed Saturday for a marathon!”

7 “New house for sale ahead”

8 “Historic town hall, founded in1897 on Capitol St.”

9 Geofencing API Type Presentation Title Here


11 Local notification, point, lines and polygons against a set for feature services.

12 Outside Geofence Inside Geofence

13 Feature Service Use a feature service and in parallel start downloading a runtime geodatabase

14 When you have the runtime geodatabase locally on the device, you can query the database for geofences around you.

15 ME! No near Geofences around you

16 ME! Measure the near geofences You are near an area with a Geofence

17 ME! This is a danger zone!

18 ArcGIS Runtime SDKs Geometry Engine

19 Benefits Almost no Internet usage helps with battery
Using the built in geometry engine Dwelling Approaching Leaving Entering

20 Instruments

21 Instruments Low internet usage, little power is needed.

22 Demo

23 Recap

24 Built into WebMaps

25 Creates Geofences from points in a feature service

26 Runs locally in the device
Offline Uses Geometry Engine Actions: Enter Leave Dwell Approach

27 First Offering ID: 2758 Please fill out the session survey:
Thank you… Please fill out the session survey: First Offering ID: 2758 Online – Paper – pick up and put in drop box Type Presentation Title Here


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