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What is Truth? Outside Lobbying Strategies Inside Lobbying Strategies Ambiguities of “Truth.”

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1 What is Truth? Outside Lobbying Strategies Inside Lobbying Strategies Ambiguities of “Truth.”

2 Whom will you Lobby? Friends Persuadables Opponents Leadership

3 “The Ten Commandments of Lobbying” How to Win In Washington: Very Practical Advice about Lobbying, the Grassroots and the Media Ernest Wittenberg & Elisabeth Wittenberg Basil Blackwell, 1990 edition, p.16.

4 IT IS ONE THING TO CONVINCE PEOPLE YOU ARE SMART. IT IS ANOTHER TO CONVINCE PEOPLE YOU ARE RIGHT. Here at the K-School, you are judged on whether you are bright. As a lobbyist, you are judged on whether people think you are right. Consider yourself a salesperson. You are selling your client’s interest. Your audience is Congress or the Administration.

5 ENABLE THOSE YOU WISH TO CONVINCE TO TAKE THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE Begin with the proposition that people are overworked When you read a letter that a Member has written to another member or an editorial they have written for the paper, or you hear a speech they have given, 90% of the time, they didn’t write it.

6 If you want a member to propose legislation, draft it If you want a member to write a letter or give a speech on your behalf, draft it Give press releases to reporters______

7 UNDERSTAND YOUR OPPONENTS’ ARGUMENTS AND REFUTE THEM. Tell the person you are trying to convince up front what the opponents arguments are going to be. Then refute them. o For example, if your opposition has a strong base in Mississippi, you had better explain what Senator Lott’s position is on the matter.

8 IV.Help thy friends win reelection; but [in victory], dwelleth not on the power of the PAC. Updated commandment; Never dwell on the power of the PAC. $ gives you access – not answers.

9 V. Thou shalt know thy issue and believe in it, but be ready to compromise; half of the loaf will feed some of thy people. System of Checks and Balances “I’m just a bill on Capitol Hill…” Know your bottom line, but don’t start with it.

10 VI. Runneth not out of patience. If thou can not harvest this year, the next session may be bountiful.

11 VII. Love they neighbor; thou wilst need him for a coalition. “As always, victory finds a hundred fathers; but defeat is an orphan.” Count Galeazzo Ciano, 1939-1943 Ciano Diaries

12 BUILD UPON YOUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS How does one build one’s rolodex? Contact your friends in the area; If someone has assisted you, follow up: oSend a thank-you note; oInvite them to appropriate functions; oTake them to lunch; oSend holiday cards.

13 Call someone you normally wouldn’t once a week, just to keep in touch. Unless you want to be known as a partisan, don’t neglect those that are in the minority.

14 VIII. Study arithmetic, that thou may count noses. House: Suspension of the Calendar. Senate: Unanimous Consent. Any one member can kill your initiative.

15 IX. Honor the hard-working staff, for they prepare the position papers for the members. Staff often carries a big stick. Staff is almost always overworked and underpaid. A little kindness goes a long way.

16 X. Be humble in victory, for thy bill may yet be vetoed. “The pendulum will swing back.” House speaker Joseph Cannon at his retirement in 1923. “The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.” Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, remarks to Harvard Undergraduates 1901.

17 Mudflaps What do you recommend?

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