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The Bryce Harlow Foundation Forum on Advocacy Lyndon K. Boozer AVP, Federal Relations AT&T Services, Inc. April 3, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bryce Harlow Foundation Forum on Advocacy Lyndon K. Boozer AVP, Federal Relations AT&T Services, Inc. April 3, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bryce Harlow Foundation Forum on Advocacy Lyndon K. Boozer AVP, Federal Relations AT&T Services, Inc. April 3, 2007

2 Lobbying 101  LKB Background  History of Lobbying  Rules on Lobbyists  Qualities of a Good Lobbyist  Types of Lobbying  “Strategery” – A Short/Long Term Plan  Lobbying Tools: The Arsenal

3 A Lobbyist is born  Mom and The LBJ Administration  “Politicians come and go, the lobbyists never leave”  Capitol Hill – Lyndon goes to Washington  Professional Career  Public Service is the Highest Calling

4 AT&T  AT&T is the largest communications holding company in the United States  302,000 employees - 185,000 union  #1 in wireless - 61 million customers  12 million broadband customers  Contributed $101 million to charity  U.S. workforce – 1/3 minority and 1/2 women  It’s the People … that make AT&T

5 History of Lobbying  “Lobbyist” - President Grant and The Willard Hotel  Protected in the 1st Amendment, ratified in 1791  “…to petition the Government for redress of grievances”  Lobbying is at the intersection of the legislative process and the democracy, which is a participatory form of government  15,000 and growing … individuals, law firms, PR, consulting, associations, businesses

6 Rules on Lobbyists LDA of 1995 – Disclosure, Not Prohibition -Lobbyist: communicates with the government on behalf of clients/employer -must register, make semiannual reports on what, who, how much is spent -greater disclosure when client is foreign Different Rules for Different Chambers - SENATE: $49.99 per occasion and no more than $99.98 annually - HOUSE: ZERO! - exceptions: widely attended receptions, personal friendship - Ethics bill in conference 1989 Ethics Reform Act - Revolving Door – 1 year Executive Branch: Office of Government Ethics Political Fundraising -limits on how much individual or PACs can give -money is disclosed and monitored -no corporate contributions – PAC is employee’s personal money -“soft” money and 527s

7 Qualities of an Effective Lobbyist  Integrity – the most IMPORTANT  Knowledgeable about Government Process  Meticulous  Resourceful and Responsive  Creative and Innovative  Analytical  Hard Working and Aggressive  Humility  Adaptable  Results

8 Types of Lobbying in DC  Executive Branch  White House  Cabinet Departments  Expert Agencies  Appointments  Legislative Branch  budget and appropriations  laws of the land  ideological interests  Judicial Oversight

9 “ Strategery” Short/Long Term Plan  What Do You Want to Accomplish?  What is the Timeline?  Which Branch of Government?  What are the Key Issues? What Stakeholders are Involved?  Key Policymakers and Breakdown of Congressional Supporters  Respect the Chambers  Process Matters

10 Lobbyist Tools – The Arsenal  The Facts  Grassroots and Grass-tops  Internet – blogs, You Tube  Campaign Contributions  Earned Media and Paid Media  Think Tanks  Educational Institutions  Coalitions  Consultants  Champions and Caucuses  Relationships Matter!

11 Future of Lobbying  Greater Accountability  Increased Disclosure  Scrutiny and Oversight  Lobbyists can be subject matter experts  Democracy: freedom of expression, individualism and right to petition government

12 Recommended Sites     k-street/ k-street/ k-street/

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