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District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development Property Acquisition And Disposition Division Solicitation For Offers #2 for Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development Property Acquisition And Disposition Division Solicitation For Offers #2 for Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development Property Acquisition And Disposition Division Solicitation For Offers #2 for Florida and Q Street, NW, Washington, DC Pre-Bidder’s Meeting August 6, 2014

2 Agenda – Scattered Sites - Trinidad, NE, Washington, DC 2 Overview of DHCD – Florida and Q Street, N.W The DC Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) mission is to create and preserve opportunities for affordable housing and economic development and to revitalize underserved communities in the District of Columbia.  providing gap funding for affordable housing and community facilities  supporting communities through neighborhood- based activities  increasing first-time homeownership opportunities  funding the rehabilitation of single-family and multi-family homes  providing funding for homelessness prevention  addressing vacant and abandoned properties  overseeing the administration of rental housing laws DHCD fulfills its mission by:

3 Site Details – Florida and Q St, N.W, Washington, DC LocationFlorida Ave. N.W.& Q Street N.W. Square0615 Lots0075, 0148, 0149, 0150, 0151, 0152, 0806, 0825 Total Square Footage12,000 sq. ft. OwnerDistrict of Columbia StatusVacant Zone C-2-A & R-4 2014 Tax Assessed Value$1,929,930 Historic DistrictNo

4 Site Details - Florida and Q St, N.W, Washington, DC Neighborhood NoMa is a vibrant, growing neighborhood nestled between Union Station, the U.S. Capitol, Shaw, and the H Street, NE corridor in Washington, D.C. Over the last several years, private developers have invested more than $5 billion in the 35-block area within the NoMa BID boundary, and have plans to develop more than 20 million square feet of additional office, residential, hotel, and retail space. With a capital investment of $50 million from the District government in 2013, NoMa will soon have great new parks and public spaces as well. NoMa is home to more than 3,900 terrific new apartments, and more than 40,000 people work here each day. Zoning The site is split zoned – lots 806 and 825 are zoned R-4, while the remainder of the lots are zoned C-2-A. R-4 is a low to moderate density residential zone which permits single family, duplex, rowhouse, and flat (2 residential units) development by right, but does not permit new multi-family development. C-2-A is a low to moderate density mixed use zone which allows residential multi-family and limited commercial development. Affordability No Offer shall be selected unless the Project conforms with the Affordability Covenant attached to the PDA and at a minimum requires at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the Units in the Project be sold or rented to persons with annual household incomes that do not exceed 80% of “AMI”. For this Solicitation, PADD requires a minimum affordability period of 15 years for homeownership and 40 years for rental housing.

5 Agenda – Scattered Sites - Trinidad, NE, Washington, DC 5 Background & Goals – Florida and Q Street, N.W, Development Goals: Mixed ‐ use development; local neighborhood job creation; Good workmanlike construction, quality design and architecture that complements the existing architecture of the neighborhood; Adequate financing from pre ‐ development through final completion; Family style affordable dwelling units (2 or more bedrooms) which allow families to grow in place; 51% of the units to be affordable at 80% AMI or below A commitment to at least 15 years of affordability for homeownership and 40 years for rental projects ; Community outreach and development coordination; and Use of green materials, techniques and systems that meet the 2011 Green Communities Criteria.

6 Photos & Neighborhood Context– Florida and Q Street, N.W, Washington, DC

7 Florida and Q Street, N.W, Washington, DC

8 Florida and Q Street, NW


10 Agenda – Scattered Sites - Trinidad, NE, Washington, DC 10 Evaluation Criteria – Florida and Q Street, NW CriteriaDescription Vision Innovative, market-viable ideas for mixed-use development, in terms of market viability and neighborhood context Qualifications & Experience Demonstrate that they are qualified to execute the proposed Mixed –use development plan Have successfully served in developer roles for completed projects of a similar scale and scope to that Project proposed by Offerors Provide evidence of sufficient organizational and financial capability to ensure successful and timely delivery of past projects Project Financial Feasibility and Developer Financial Capacity Demonstrate that they possess the financial resources to execute the Project requirements with minimum or no District-based subsidy Display a willingness to provide the District with fair consideration for its real property assets Exhibit a willingness to provide the District with a meaningful guarantee regarding payment and performance through final Project completion Attainment of District Policy Goals LSDBE and CBE participation Incorporate high-quality design Improve quality of life for the surrounding community Incorporate environmental sustainability best practices Maximize economic value to the District

11 Agenda – Scattered Sites - Trinidad, NE, Washington, DC 11 SFO Schedule – Florida and Q Street, NW IMPORTANT DATES Issuance of SolicitationJuly 6, 2014 Pre-Offer ConferenceAugust 6, 2014 Site Visit10a-12p, August 13, 2014 Proposal Due Date (at 4:00 PM ET)4 pm, October 10, 2014

12 Agenda – Scattered Sites - Trinidad, NE, Washington, DC 12 Florida and Q Street, N.W, Washington, DC Questions and Answers

13 SFO - Florida and Q Street, NW Karanja Slaughter, Manager, PADD 202-442-7282 Michael Woodson, Sr. Project Manager, PADD 202-478-1369

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