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Focus on 2011-2012. All of these vocabulary words are in an atlas.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on 2011-2012. All of these vocabulary words are in an atlas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on 2011-2012

2 All of these vocabulary words are in an atlas.

3 Can you read each word?

4 Can you identify each picture?

5 Do you know the definition of each word?

6 atlas

7 atlas Atlas – a book of maps

8 boundary

9 boundary boundary – where two states or countries meet. It is shown as a line on a map.

10 latitude latitude lines run east and west latitude lines lines of latitude

11 latitude latitude – the horizontal lines on a globe that run east to west.

12 longitude lines of longitude lines that run north and south on a globe

13 longitude longitude - vertical lines on a globe that run from north to south.

14 capitals Atlanta, Georgia

15 capital capital – a city where the government of a country or state in located. Austin, Texas

16 capitols

17 capitol Capitol – A building where a state or national government meets to make the law.

18 sphere sphere– a solid shape like a globe, with all points of the shape the same distance from the center of the shape.

19 hemisphere Because the earth is round, we can only see one half of it at any one time. This half is called the hemisphere. There are always 2 hemispheres- one that you see and one that you don’t see.

20 hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere western hemisphere

21 hemisphere hemisphere- one half of a sphere. Canada is the earth’s northern hemisphere.

22 community

23 Community – An area where people live. Places in a neighborhood are within walking distance of each other.

24 compass rose

25 compass rose Compass Rose - A set of arrows that point north, south, east and west.

26 continent South America North America Africa

27 continent Continent – One of the seven largest land areas.

28 equator Equator

29 equator Equator – Imaginary line around the middle of the earth. The equator is the same distance from the North Pole and South Pole.

30 model

31 model – a three dimensional copy of an object or a place. A model is made at a size that is easy to study or play with.

32 ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean

33 ocean ocean – one of the four large, salty bodies of water that covers most of the earth.

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