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What are the sources of revenue for Solid Waste Management? Does the county have a franchise fee for haulers? Is it a flat fee? Does the county charge.

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2 What are the sources of revenue for Solid Waste Management? Does the county have a franchise fee for haulers? Is it a flat fee? Does the county charge a permit fee for Haulers? Is it adequate to cover costs? Are there facilities licensed in the county and pay a license fee? (KRS 68.178) What fees are collected by the county and incorporated cities for solid waste collection and disposal? Does the county have a 109 tax (see KRS 109)? Does the county need this for revenue to support solid waste activities? Does the county receive a litter grant from the State? Does the county receive grant funding for solid waste activities from PRIDE (federal)? Does the county receive grant funding from the state (KY Pride) for open illegal open dump elimination, recycling and/or HHW collection ? Does the county receive revenue from the sale of recyclables? Does the county receive revenue from a Host Agreement? Does the county own/operate a transfer station that generates revenue? What are the projected annual county expenditures for Personnel and Capitol Expenditures? What are the projected annual county expenditures for Collection and Disposal? What are the anticipated expenditures for enforcement activities, illegal open dump elimination, and litter cleanup? What are the projected costs for education activities? What are the operating costs for recycling activities? FINANCIAL MECHANISMS FAQs



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