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EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group September 26, 2013 0.

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Presentation on theme: "EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group September 26, 2013 0."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group September 26, 2013 0

2 Meeting Etiquette Participants automatically enter the webinar in “listen only” mode. The organizer will then unmute all participants. We ask if you are not speaking to manually mute yourself NOTE: VoIP participants have the ability to “Mute” themselves by clicking on the green microphone. However, if you would like to speak, only you can unmute yourself. If you are dialing in using a telephone and NOT using the VoIP you MUST dial the audio pin in order for the organizer to unmute you – if you do not use the audio pin and just push # when prompted the Organizer cannot unmute you

3 Meeting Etiquette CONTINUED If you are calling from a telephone, please do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when you have completed your other call This meeting is being recorded Another reason to keep your phone or your VoIP on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” or “Question” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other panelists to know. 2

4 Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements5 minutes Establishing Definitions for Various Skill Levels10 minutes Presentation from Jean Roberts40 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes 3

5 General Announcements The Workforce Development Workgroup meets every Thursday from 10:00am – 11:00am ET or 4:00pm-5:00pm CEST – To participate, please visit the EU-US eHealth Collaboration Wiki Homepage: US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative We will be presenting our work at the 3 rd EU-US eHealth Marketplace and Conference in Boston, MA, USA from Oct. 21-23, 2013 4 Note: Please check the meeting schedule weekly to get the most up-to-date meeting information

6 3rd EU-US eHealth Marketplace and Conference Two-day program that will bring together international leaders, healthcare professionals, technology providers, academia, patient groups, innovators, entrepreneurs and policymakers to discuss current trends and business opportunities in healthcare information technology. Program also includes panel and keynote remarks from leading health innovators; a unique and successful brokerage networking program; exhibitions; informal networking and more. The EU-US eHealth Cooperation project will be providing updates on our work. Interoperability and Workforce Development Work Groups will host face-to-face working sessions on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. Registration is required for this event.

7 Submit Your Bio The EU-US eHealth/Health IT Initiative will begin creating a repository of bios to post onto its Wikipage and need your help! Please submit a brief biography of yourself (150 words or less) that outlines your: – current professional responsibilities; – most recent projects in relation to the EU-US work stream and/or interest to work with the EU-US initiative; – areas of interest and/or expertise; – any relevant credentials and/or professional appointments; and – a photo (optional). Please e-mail your bio and photo (optional) to Gayathri Jayawardena at 6

8 Join the EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative 7 We encourage all members to “sign up” for the initiative. By joining this ensures you stay up-to-date with the work being done, communications and any initiative activities Simply complete the EU-US MOU Project Signup Form on the Wiki Page: US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+U p US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+U p

9 Archived Meeting Materials 8 For all meeting minutes, presentations, reference materials and recordings please visit the Materials tab and select “Past Meetings” from the drop down menu

10 Upcoming Meetings DateMeeting Topics Sept. 19 th, 2013 Continued Review of competency materials Sept. 26 th, 2013 Define Skill Levels EU Update: Jean Roberts Oct. 3 rd, 2013 EU Update: Stathis Konstantinidis Oct 10 th, 2013 Identify Roles Map Roles Between EU and US Oct 17 th, 2013 Map Competencies to Roles Oct 22 nd, 2013 Face to Face Working Session at the Boston EU-US eHealth Conference to finalize Competencies/Roles and begin to work on identifying training and training gaps 9

11 Defining and Refining Our Work Phase 1: – Proposed Approach Define settings – Select one small setting such as pharmacy, primary care, etc. and then repeat process for other settings to help them run a bit smoother and perhaps faster. Define skills needed to support these settings – as related to HealthIT Map skills to professional roles/titles Phase 2: Examine what exists to support these roles Phase 3: Gap Analysis Phase 4: Final Recommendations 10

12 Establishing Definitions for Various Skill Levels In order to move forward in defining the skills and competencies needed in the acute care setting, it is important that we first define the skill levels needed among acute care professionals. Please take a moment to review the eight (8) levels of skills we have outlined for both clinical and non-clinical professionals and provide your feedback in the comment form located on the Wiki: 11 Click the spreadsheet to view the latest definitions

13 12 EU Update Jean Roberts, PhD, FBCS, CITP, CEng Director (Standards) UK Council for HI Professionals

14 From a pragmatic perspective starting with a pc with real floppy discs to ‘do computing’ for 4 hospitals and a patient catchment that tripled during the holiday season, to running regional Patient Administration Systems and Manpower Planning programmes, through consultancy and academia including a PhD on how things had changed over 30 years. Involvement in global professional activity and European-wide research for that time.. and being a blunt Northerner from Yorkshire I feel able to be a critical friend and lay myself open to being corrected by those who know better than I what is going on ‘now’! 13

15 European Perspective – Personally Speaking AIM: improving workforce opportunities for joint working and increasing workforce mobility TACTICS: – identify artifacts and initiatives that may contribute to transatlantic convergence and synergy – understand each other’s situations, ways of working and rationale RISK: two entities divided by language, complexity and scale 14

16 Today – ‘rain check’ to share concerns, resolve confusion; improve the way forward Do we speak the same language? Are we comparing like with like? How many constituencies are we addressing How is the workforce segmented? Are we any nearer consensus or ‘understanding’? My role – ‘intelligent vandal’ but with an informal mandate to stimulate progress; happy to be challenged, taking all comments on board for consideration 15

17 Do we speak the same language? Health Informatics, medical informatics, eHealth, biomedical informatics, clinical informatics, HIT, ICT in health, health technology workforce …… Family physician, General practitioner Certification, License or Accreditation Academic education through qualifications (‘to know’) Training by colleagues or third party (‘to do’) Curriculum or continuing professional development Fitness to practice … or … Fitness for purpose Competence Skills Proficiency Knowledge 16

18 By Scientific Domain AMIA scope – Translational Bioinformatics – Clinical Research Informatics – Clinical Informatics – Consumer Health Informatics – Public Health Informatics – and extending into ‘Operational Informatics’ … 17

19 18 HEALTH INFORMATICS (IT, IM and Information Science) HEALTH INFORMATICS COMMUNITY ICT, IT, incl Compute r Science / studies Information Management Knowledge Management Clinical Informatics + User Experience Education Training Developmen t Research Health Records Manageme n t Note : ALL constituencies have public &private health, academic and commercial existences Portfolio Programme Project Management Managing HI Services UKCHIP by Function-many (emerging) Constituencies

20 How Are ‘WE’ Recognised? License, membership, registration, regulation, certification, qualification, experience…. Pay to play … or … formal entry requirement Profession (protection of public through fitness to practice) Learned Society (nurture body of knowledge) Eclectic mix – (scientific) domain or function 19

21 Complexity Model of health care settings – public / private / mixed economy Informatics delivered ‘in or for’ the care entity Informatics competences necessary for all in health care roles (direct patient care, facility management, business monitoring, policy development, research, population analysis … ); it’s the level that varies; also pre-compliance re EU and US ‘at the same stage’ –operational coverage of applications; demands on workforce 20

22 Are we comparing like with like? Chosen use case – Informatics in Acute setting – Director of ICT : leading team of 35 across a 2- hospital, 700 bed organisation …. Xxx in a shared service across a whole health organisation To manage individual care efficaciously To provide decision support for clinicians Create (performance manage) efficient, effective and business-like workspace To deploy resources where and how necessary To enact well-informed health policy To enable population health To generate public trust and patient safety 21

23 PLEASE Feedback to the team your reflections from your own / your organisations perspective Add / delete issues, reference sources, evidence, case studies Download slides and annotate with comment of any sort Stathis Konstantinidis will develop these issues more next week Thank you! 22

24 Questions 23

25 Next Steps 24 Review the eight (8) levels of skills and provide your feedback in the comment form located on the Wiki: +Group +Group Please e-mail your bio and photo (optional) to Gayathri Jayawardena at Workforce Development Work Group will continue to meet every Thursday from 10:00am - 11:00am (ET)/4:00pm - 5:00 pm (CEST) Check the Workforce Development Wikipage regularly for updates: +Group +Group

26 Workforce Development Project Support Team 25 US Point of Contacts – Mera Choi, – Jamie Parker, – Gayathri Jayawardena, – Amanda Merrill, – Emily Mitchell, – Mark Roche, – John Feikema, EU Point of Contacts – Mary Cleary: – Benoit Abeloos, – Frank Cunningham,

27 Initiative Resources EU-US Wiki Homepage – US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative Join the Initiative – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up EU-US Initiative Reference Materials – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials 26

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