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Turner Syndrome By: Olivia Hoefling.

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1 Turner Syndrome By: Olivia Hoefling

2 What is Turner Syndrome?
Turner Syndrome is a genetic syndrome that effects every 1 in 2,500 females. Most females are born with 2 x chromosomes, but females with Turner’s Syndrome are only born with one x chromosome (or part of one).

3 What are the physical symptoms?
A “webbed” neck (extra folds of skin) A low hair line at the back of the neck Drooping at the eyelids Lower set ears Abnormal bone development Extra fluids in hands in feet Short stature Lack of sexual development

4 How do you inherit Turner’s?
Turner’s Syndrome is neither dominant or recessive. It is caused by “nondisjunction”: When a pair of sex chromosomes fails to separate during the formation of an egg (or sperm)

5 Inheritance of Turner’s continued…
As the embryo grows and the cells divide, every cell of the baby's body will be missing one of the X chromosomes. Turner’s is not inherited from a parent because women with Turner syndrome are usually sterile and cannot have children.

6 How is Tuner’s diagnosed?
A doctor can easily suspect Turner’s by physical abnormalities, and blood tests can confirm this. The point when Tuner’s can be diagnosed depends on the severity of the condition and how quickly it develops.

7 What is the life expectancy of someone with Tuner’s?
Turner’s does not affect a person’s life span. However, Women with Tuner Syndrome are faced with health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, etc.

8 How can Tuner Syndrome be treated?
Growth hormones: Can increase height. Ex. Androgen Estrogen Replacement Therapy: Can promote development of secondary sexual characteristics as well as help maintain good bones and healthy tissue.

9 Are there any new treatments or research for Tuner’s?
Women with Turner Syndrome are infertile. However, with the use of reproductive technologies have been used to help woman with Turner’s become pregnant. Ex. A donor egg can be used to create an embryo, which is carried by the Turner syndrome woman.

10 Statistics 1 in every 2,500 live female births are affected by Turner Syndrome: 0.04% of U.S. population is affected. 108,800 people in the U.S. are affected.

11 What is everyday life like for someone with Turner Syndrome?
Depending on the severity of the condition, a woman with TS generally lives a normal life. However, TS does involve more health risks (heart, kidney) so someone with TS has to have regular check ups and doctors appointments. Cont…

12 Everyday Life Continued…
Though women with TS are just as intelligent as anyone else, some may experience learning difficulties. Learning difficulties may include trouble in mathematics, spacial skills, and hearing problems Continued…

13 Everyday Life Continued…
Women with TS have physical abnormalities, so this is something that they have to deal with in social situations every day. This can greatly affect these girl’s self esteem and confidence so some sort of therapy is recommended.

14 Bibliography

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