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James Turner Janice Fraser Developing a VFR and local campaign in...

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1 James Turner Janice Fraser Developing a VFR and local campaign in...


3 Definitions People who live within the destination and act as a key catalyst or driver in using its facilities and businesses for leisure purposes “ “


5 Why I should care… →Worthing VFR spent £17,000,000 in 2012 → 28% of all staying visitor spend → Adur VFR spent £8,000,000 in 2012 → 64% of all staying visitor spend → That’s not including day visitors... → Local Population of c. 180,000

6 Why I should care… → Non-seasonal → Not weather dependent → Promotes repeat visits → Creates ambassadors → Contributes to conservation and preservation → Under-utilised at present



9 Good Luck!

10 Nuts & Bolts… → A core campaign of the Seaconomics programme → Educate and influence local population → Joint activity to deliver it → A&W Council will coordinate and support →Planned to run from spring 2014 → Budget and resource available

11 Goals… → Increase spend and visits from local and VFR audience ­ Quantifiable increase in VFR visits → Develop Industry collaboration, knowledge & assets ­ 40 stakeholders actively involved by end 2014


13 Actions… 1. Coordination & Resourcing ­ A&W Council actions ­ Support and develop the campaign ­ Providing tools and framework 2. Industry Development ­ Mentoring and training opportunities ­ Networking & joint action

14 Actions… 3. Consumer facing activity ­ Data Collection ­ Targeted Marketing ­ Co-ordinated open days & taster events ­ Structured experiences ­ Joint incentives and offers

15 Actions… What’s next?…. Benchmarking – data collection Working Group Meeting Brand Development Product Audit Collect Offers Familiarisation Visit Schedule

16 Brand...

17 Thank You

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