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Applying to Post Secondary Programs University and College.

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1 Applying to Post Secondary Programs University and College

2 Applying to University Checklist  Before you apply you need:  a PIN (Personal Identification Number)  a school number  a student number  a list of your researched options

3 Step 1: Your OUAC Access Code  The Guidance office will provide your access codes in late fall (November). Listen for announcement of when to pick them up. Follow us on twitter @TFSSGuidance  These access codes are CONFIDENTIAL. Do not share your code with others.  Your codes include:  PIN  School Number  Student Number 

4 Step 2: Research Your University Options  Visit eINFO (, to see what each university has to  Check out university websites and booklets  Ask questions at the school destination fair  Talk to counsellors, teachers, and community members  Write down your program choices and codes, and keep them handy for your application You can use the Fast Track option when you know the OUAC program code.

5 Step 3: Mark your calendars  September-November 2014: eINFO – begin your research – choose your  September 19-21, 2014: Ontario Universities’ Fair  September 25, 2014: Turner Fenton S.S. Destination Fair  January 14, 2015 - Final date to apply online through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) –  February 3, 2015 – Recommended last date to submit all information to OUAC to be considered for admission (program changes, additional choices)  May 28, 2015 – you can expect an admission response from an Ontario university by this date.  June 1, 2015 – The earliest date you may be required to respond to an offer of admission  Early June to August 2015 – Use the Admission Information Service (AIS) to find possible openings at Ontario universities

6 Step 4: Apply  You will apply using the Ontario University Application Centre  Go to  You will need:  Your codes (PIN, School, student)  A method of payment  Program of interest

7 Paying for you Application  $130 for 3 program options  $44 for each additional school/program Mark Upload Dates  The school board uploads your marks directly to OUAC.  Uploads happen:  A. End of semester 1(Beginning of February)  B. Semester 2 midterm (April)  C. End of semester 2 (Beginning of July)  D. August (Beginning of August)

8 What you need to go to university  Ontario Universities look at your top 6 grade 12 university/mixed courses (4U or 4M).  It is a big BIG BIG myth that Universities look at your grade 9-11 grades.  Some schools ask for “supplemental applications”. These are school and program specific. In these cases you may need to write an essay, provide evidence of extra-curricular activities, or show community involvement  If you require a teacher/counsellor/VP endorsement, you must provide a minimum of 2 weeks (1 month is better) advance notice – please provide all relevant information to the school staff person, along with a resume, and any other pertinent information

9 Applying to College Step 1: Research  Visit and search programs across Ontario  You can search by region, program, or specific school  Take NOTE: Admission requirements (some schools/programs require college level courses and some require university level courses or even a mix) – be sure that you have the requirements for the programs for which you are applying  Watch this application video for more details: 

10 Step 2: Applying  You will apply to college through  You will need:  An email address  Your Ontario Education Number (OEN)  $95 (credit card)  for 5 school/programs - with a maximum of 3 applications to one college

11 Mark your calendars  The equal consideration date is February 1, 2015.  This means that you can apply after, but your application will be placed at the bottom of the pile.  If you apply before this date, you will be considered equally with applicants that were submitted by the Feb. 1 date.

12 Applying out of Province  Each application is a separate process  You will need to do the research to find out how to apply  Quebec universities will download from our system (transcripts, etc)  BC – you need to set up a personal profile

13 Scholarships and Bursaries  You will need to get researching. This is your responsibility. While the school shares some information about scholarships, there are thousands that we are unaware of. THIS CAN BE A FULL TIME JOB!!! GET ON IT!!  Scholarships can be granted for a variety of reasons:  Grades  Culture  Extra-curriculars  Etc.  Visit or

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