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The DFG - who we are and what we do
DFG – Vorstandsbüro The DFG - who we are and what we do Dr. Dietrich Halm Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bonn / Germany
…Who We Are and What We Do
DFG – Vorstandsbüro …Who We Are and What We Do central public funding organization for academic research in Germany promoting academic excellence on a competitive basis serving science and the arts in all fields advisory activities in politics special focus on supporting junior academics promoting international research co-operation fostering links between science and industry Auf dieser Folie eine kurze Vorstellung der DFG; Selbstverwaltung der deutschen Forschung; Zuständigkeit für alle Fachbereiche; Politikberatung etc. hiermöglicherweise Rückgriff auf Infos im Folienarchiv, allerdings ansprechender präsentieren als dort vorhanden, bitte.
Self-government of science and the humanities
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Mission Self-government of science and the humanities quality: funding decisions based on the highest standards rewarding scientists and scholars demonstrating excellence Promoting scientific excellence in a competitive setting the DFG as a non-governmental organisation science-driven funding peer review
Structures of German Research Funding
Federal Government Länder Business enterprise sector Intramural research laboratories Federation of Industrial Cooperative Research Associations DFG HGF MPG FhG WGL Federal institutions performing R&D Länder insti- tuitions per- forming R&D Academies Higher Education Sector Basic funding relations Federal Government Länder Business enterprise sector Project funding Federal Government Business enterprise sector DFG Based on: Bundesbericht Forschung 2004
DFG Funding Programmes
DFG – Vorstandsbüro International Co-operation Membership in Inter-national Organizations Bilateral collaboration Project Funding Sabbatical Publication Costs Individual Grants Programme Mercator- Visiting Professorships Promoting Scientific contacts International Academic Conferences in Germany Travels to Conferences Priority Programmes Research Units Humanities Research Centres Collaborative Research Centres / Transfer Centres DFG-Research Centres Centres of Excellence Co-ordinated Programmes DFG Funding Programmes Infrastructure funding Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Programme Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Programme Communicator Prize Eugen and Ilse Seibold-Prize Albert Maucher-Prize Prizes Research Training Groups (national & international) Programme "Independent Position" Research Fellowships Emmy Noether Programme Heisenberg - Programme Direct Funding of Young Researchers
Funding Programs
Example: The Individual Grants
Scope to carry out a well defined individual research project within a limited time period open to researchers (holding a PhD) from all disciplines working at German research institutions, especially universities Applications with two and more partners also possible Project requirements clearly defined research project of high scientific quality and originality, carried out at an internationally competitive level Funding duration is based on the individual project needs (typically 2 or 3 years, continuations possible) proportion relative to DFG‘s overall volume of approvals: 36,6% (2005)
Example: The Individual Grants
What may be funded? Cost categories: personnel (graduate students, postdocs) scientific equipment consumables travel, guests, conferences new: funding for one’s own position (only for fresh postdocs!) German share of funds necessary for international cooperation Funding cannot be provided for: one’s own salary as PI (except fresh postdocs) basic equipment in your field of work general institute utilities (office material, postage & telephone) buildings, their equipment and rent upgrades and repair of instruments which are not DFG property
Example: The Individual Grants
Proposal submission first proposal: any time, no submission deadlines prolongations: at least 4 months before approved funds will be exhausted Proposal evaluation peer review takes about 6 months from the submission until decision for individual proposals normally no fixed decision dates
The Way towards the Funding Decision (research grants within the individual grants programme)
consultation before application formal check of the proposal selection of reviewers analysis & evaluation of the reviews (comparative) evaluation by review board members recommendation decision by DFG´s grant committee notification of the applicant notification of the reviewers
Criteria for the Evaluation of Proposals
Reviewers consider in their evaluation of a proposal Project: Infrastructure: relevance what is new and rewarding? methods, working programme prerequisites (equipment) prerequisites (personnel) collaborations Applicants: Cost positions: preparatory work and achievements track record publications (qualitatively & quantitatively) personnel equipment consumables, travel ...
Applications with Partners from Foreign Countries
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Applications with Partners from Foreign Countries Application requirements need to comply with the formal requirements of DFG a detailed description of the aims and methods of the research project and the costs, differentiated into German and non-German components parallel submission to the respective funding organizations before approval by DFG: co-funding for the non-German partner should be secured from sources of the partner country "green light" from all sides funding
The DFG: Scientific Fields and Funding Instruments
DFG – Vorstandsbüro The DFG: Scientific Fields and Funding Instruments Scientific Fields 2005 (in %)* Funding Instruments 2005 (in Mio €) infrastructure boards & committees international cooperations prizes individual grants coordinated programs funding for young researchers * Data: individual grants, funding for young researchers & coordinated programs (including humanities research centres) overall funding: 1,469.5 Mio €
International Agreements / Contracts
DFG – Vorstandsbüro
Promoting International Cooperation
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Promoting International Cooperation „Mobility funding“ Preparatory trips and Cooperation stays (max. 3 months) enable researchers to build up or intensify cooperation Both instruments: Application to be submitted by the German partner Bilateral Symposia / Seminars can be held in either country application to be submitted by the German coordinator (2) (air china) Illustration taken from: ;
Our strategic goals Internationality Promotion of Young Researchers
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Our strategic goals Internationality Drei satzungsmäßige Aufgaben Internationalität: Öffnung aller Programme Internationalisierung der Begutachtung und der Gremien Intensivierung der institutionellen Kooperation Übergreifendes Ziel: Internationalisierung der Wissenschaft und der Wissenschaftsförderung Präsenz im Ausland Beijing (seit Oktober 2000) Washington (seit Mai 2002) Moskau (ab Sommer 2003) Interdisziplinarität koordinierte Programme, Reform des Begutachtungswesens Nachwuchs: insbesondere ein Anliegen des amtierenden Präsidenten „frühe Selbständigkeit“ , Emmy Noether Promotion of Young Researchers Interdisci- plinarity Illustration unter Verwendung von:
A Focus on Promoting Young Researchers
DFG – Vorstandsbüro A Focus on Promoting Young Researchers Early Independence Excellency DFG Internationality Illustration unter Verwendung von:
International dimension of DFG programmes
researchers from all countries can be employed in DFG projects parts of projects can be performed abroad with foreign partners projects can contribute to international coordinated programmes most research grants include funds for cooperation: travel, invitation of guest scientists, international workshops joint projects based on complementary funding principle (examples) : Individual Grants International Research Training Groups International Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) Mercator-Visiting Professorship all fellowship programmes are open to candidates from abroad international peer review
Mercator Visiting Professorships
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Mercator Visiting Professorships To enable German universities to invite highly qualified scientists and scholars from abroad Aims: To provide a visible accent of quality in the host university's activities To contribute to the internationalization of Higher Education and research in Germany Features: Applications related to focal points in the university's scientific profile Contribution to Research Research-related educational activities Graduate Research Training at the respective university department Intended stay between 3 and 12 months NOTE: APPLICATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE GERMAN HOST UNIVERSITY DFG Illustration taken from:
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Perspectives: Aims: increase the project numbers in the co-operation, new flagship projects? strengthen the institutional co-operation build up of a network of bilateral structures on an institutional level promote a more intense collaboration between scientists (information!) Implementation: joint thematic workshops joint evaluation of applications co-funding of projects / programmes staff exchange
The Triad of Internationality
DFG – Vorstandsbüro The Triad of Internationality Programmes encouraging cooperation People wishing to cooperate Internationality needs ... A Framework facilitating cooperation Illustration taken from:
A love of learning starts early ...
DFG – Vorstandsbüro A love of learning starts early ... ... and with the DFG it lasts a lifetime. (Baby Computer) (alter graduierter) Illustration taken from:
Thank you for your attention!
DFG – Vorstandsbüro Thank you for your attention! Dr. Dietrich Halm Programme Officer International Co-operation Latin-America Kennedyallee 40 53175 Bonn Germany Info:
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