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Presentation on theme: "THE COMPLETE REPERTORY"— Presentation transcript:

By Roger Von Zandvoort

2 SOURCES 1.  First, third and sixth American Edition of Kent’s Repertory. 2.  Homoeopathic Journals. 3. Schmidt’s and Chand’s Final General Repertory. 4.  Kunzli’s Repertorium Generale. 5. Sivaraman’s addition and corrections to Kent’s Repertory. 6.  Boger’s addition to Kent’s Repertory. 7. CCRH corrections to Boger- Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory. Many corrections and additions have been done from work of many renowned and reliable authors, their list is given at the end of the book.

3 Philosophical Background
 Based on Kent’s Concept. Materials taken from BTPB / BBCR (those rubrics have been taken which are important / which can be used with Kent’s method of repertorisation). Gradations:- Plain Type font arg-n. First Degree Bold Italics Second Degree Bold Upper case (Bold Capitals) ARG-N Third Degree Bold Upper case with underlined (Underlined Bold Capiotals) Fourth degree

4 Same plan of construction as Kent’s Repertory
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Same plan of construction as Kent’s Repertory

5 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Chapters are 42 in number 1. Mind 2. Vertigo
3. Head 4. Head pain 5. Eye 6. Vision 7. Ear

6 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION 8. Hearing 9. Nose 10. Smell 11. Face 12. Mouth
13. Taste 14. Teeth

7 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION 15. Throat 16. External throat 17. Stomach
18. Abdomen 19. Rectum 20. Stool 21. Bladder

8 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION 22. Kidneys 23. Prostate gland 24. Urethra
25. Urine 26. Male Genitalia 27. Female Genitalia 28. Larynx & Trachea

9 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION 29. Speech& Voice 30. Respiration 31. Cough
32. Expectoration 32. Chest 34. Back 35. Extremities

10 PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION 36. Extremities pain 37. Sleep
38. Chill, chilliness 39. Fever, heat 40. Perspiration 41. Skin 42.Generalities

11 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 1. Remedies abbreviations have been extensively corrected and verified to remove any kind of confusion for example – Cocc. have been used for Cocculus indicus and Coc-c. for Coccus cacti; Calc-p. for Calcarea phosphorica and Calc-pic. for Calcarea picricum. 2.  The most important word of the rubrics and sub-rubrics have been taken to the beginning of that rubric or sub-rubric. For example – During urination has changed to Urination during.

12 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 3.       The rubrics have been re-alphabetised for the hierarchy used in Kent’s Repertory and that hierarchy ahs been improved compared to Kent’s Repertory. The hierarchy of the rubric is re-structured to the following format Generals Sides (one sided, left, right) Times: Aggravations and ameliorations Modalities and concomitants Extending to Localisations Sensations (pain)

13 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 4.       All the agg. rubrics with ameliorations as a sub-rubric have been re-organised. For example- STOOPING Agg: Amel. Has become – AGG. AMEL.

14 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 5.   During the course of preparation of this repertory, older terminology has been replaced by more modern terminology (where clearly needed) following American English spelling. E.g. ‘Miscarriage’ has been replaced by ‘Abortion’. 6.  The text of rubrics, when unclear, has been corrected to match its Materia Medica source text. 7. Inconsistent use of several words with the same meaning has been replaced by a single word throughout the repertory. E.g. Micturition has been replaced by Urination.

15 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 8. Remedies in each rubric have been re- alphabetized according to the alphabetical order of the abbreviation instead of the alphabetical order of the full name of the remedies.

16 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 9.       Uniform arrangement has been used for abbreviations of the remedies throughout the book and in all the remedies e.g. - acet. for aceticum, acetica etc - ar. for arsenicosums or arsenicicusms - c for Carbonicums - cy for Cynatums - fcy for ferro-cynatums - M for all magnetas - l for lacticum - m for muriaticums etc.

17 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 10. At some places gradation or degree of drugs have been changed referring to Kent’s lectures, Lesser writings and minor writings. At some places degree or gradations have become higher based on printed and hand written information by P. Schmidt as found in his manuscripts and copies of Kent’s Repertory. At certain places gradations or degrees have also been changed by using Jost Kunzli’s Repertorium Generale.

18 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 11.       Re-organization of Rubrics / Chapters a) After speaking to many Homoeopaths the general idea has formed that the dreams are a substantial part of the Mind, dreams represent emotional impressions and train. So dreams have been incorporated in chapter Mind of Complete repertory. b) Kent placed Speech at two different, one part in Mind and other in Mouth. The reason might be that he wanted to make a difference for those rubrics of speech that had a mental or emotional etiology to be distinguished from those rubrics of speech that were more physiological in their etiology.

19 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows So, many rubrics were confusing or were open for misinterpretation whereas in Complete Repertory every rubric of Speech was examined and was placed either in the new chapter Speech & Voice or under other main rubrics mainly Talk, talking, talks, when the etiology was a most emotional or mental in origin. The main rubric Speech under SPEECH & VOICE includes all those rubrics that relate to motoric part of speech e.g. -          SPEECH. EMBARRASED (Kent p-81) has changed to MIND, TALK, TALKING, TALKS : embarrassed -          MIND; SPEECH; INCOHERENT (Kent p-81) has become SPEECH & VOICE; SPEECH; INCOHERENT c)       The bodily anxieties and apprehensions have been included in the chapter MIND. The reason for this is that, although felt in specific part of the body, it is still an expression of emotional value, e.g. Anxiety Chest in, Anxiety ; heart region of, Anxiety, stomach, in have been incorporated in section MIND of Complete Repertory.

20 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows d)       Separate main MIND rubrics, talk, talking and talks have been combined into one rubric named Talk; talking; talks since they were inconsistent in their meaning and therefore confusing e)       The sub- rubrics mentioning animals and body or body parts under the main rubrics Delusions, dreams and Fear have been put together under the heading: body, body parts or animals, e.g. Fear; Dogs of (Kent p-44) has become FEAR; ANIMALS ; Dogs of

21 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows f)       In the main rubric Delusions many sub-rubrics with the same meaning were found out and their remedies have been transferred to the most likely place and wordings to represent that information. Cross references have been placed where a specific rubric in Kent’s Repertory was to indicate where it has moved.

22 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows g)       In all the chapters the Discolorations and eruptions have been re- organized so that all of their sub- rubrics now fit the same hierarchical layout. Their layout in the Repertory is as follows: General Rubric Time modalities General modalities Locations Specific colors or specific types

23 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows h)       In all chapters, the main pain rubrics except for the HEAD PAIN and the EXTREMITY PAIN chapter, have been re-organized hierarchically. They start with General Rubrics Time modalities General modalities Causations Extending to Pain types including wandering, radiating and pulsating.

24 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows i)         Several body locations have been moved to one and the same chapter in order to be consistent. e.g. Forehead as a location could be found in both the face chapter and head chapter in Kent’s repertory but in Complete Repertory it has moved to face chapter in all instances with cross references in head also. j)         All noises in all different chapters have been put together like head, noises: buzzing, chirping.

25 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows k) New chapters have been created for smell and taste, similar to already existing chapter vision and hearing, in line with handwritten suggestion by Kent as found in P. Schimdt’s copies of Kent’s Repertory. l)  The ‘aversion’ and ‘desire’ rubrics of the chapter stomach have been moved to generalities chapter, where they can be found combined under the main rubric food and drinks. m) In the stomach chapter the ‘indigestion’ and ‘disordered’ rubrics have been re-organized so that now the ‘indigestion’ rubric contains all the modalities around indigestion and disordered and ‘Disordered’ rubric contains all specific foods that causes indigestion or disordered stomach.

26 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows n)  From the chapter Abdomen all the rubrics of location of epigastrium have been moved to chapter stomach. o)   In the chapter stool all colors have been put into the main rubric color similar to the chapter urine. p)   In the chapters Male Genitalia and Female Genitalia the rubrics for excitement, sexual passion, Desire diminished have been re-organized into the main rubric ‘Sexual Desires’ with diminished or increased as sub-rubrics.

27 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows q) In the chapter Female genitalia rubrics ‘Menses’, Leucorrhoea and ‘Lochia’ have been re –organized with all general modalities under the rubric ‘General’ followed by kind of Menses, Leucorrhoea, Lochia etc. r) A new chapter have been created containing those Speech rubrics from the Mind chapter that are related to motoric problems and the voice rubrics formerly found in the chapter Larynx and Trachea. The rubrics of Speech related to mental or emotional etiology or background have been placed under the Mind chapter under the rubric ‘Talk, talking, talks’.

28 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows s)         In the chapter Respiration the sub-rubrics for ‘Difficult’ and ‘Impeded’ have been compared and have been combined at certain appropriate places and placed under the rubric ‘Difficult’ with cross references at the original locations of the rubrics that have been moved. The other rubrics have been given cross references that link them to the similar rubrics in the other main rubrics. t)       Chapter fever has been renamed to ‘Fever, Heat’ and the chapter ‘Chill’ has been renamed as ‘Chill, chilliness’.

29 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows u)         In the chapter Skin all the pains have been put under Pain with the usual hierarchy as used in Kent’s Repertory and has been further refined and updated following the text. v)       In the chapter Generalities abuse of several substances and poisoning by several substances have been put under the main rubric ‘ Abuse of, Poisoning with’.

30 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows w) New rubrics have been created when there was no existing rubrics that covered the Materia Medica wording in Kent’s Repertory. x) New cross references were created to locate as many alternatives to a specific rubric as possible. Most of the similar, but still somewhat different rubrics have been included as cross references for many rubrics. y)  In Complete Repertory, the main rubric contains all the remedies found in any of their sub-rubrics.

31 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 12. In complete repertory many additions have been done from different sources but the sources have been projected in the form of Author’s Identification number which are given at the end of the book.   13. Repertory Page References- Page references for Kent’s Repertory, Synthetic Repertory, Kent’s Final General repertory and Repertorium Generale have been included in those rubrics that are mentioned in these repertories.

32 Textual Changes are as follows
PLAN AND CONSTRUCTION Textual Changes are as follows 14. At the end of the Repertory, following sections are given which makes the Repertory more reliable and authenticated ·         Bibliography ·         Remedy Conversion ·         Remedies and abbreviations ·         Authors and I.D. numbers ·         Families of remedies ·         Authors and frequency ·         Remedies and frequency

33 Thank you


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