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Mini Project for CSE 260 Deepa Veerappan DEEP BLUE Ref.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Project for CSE 260 Deepa Veerappan DEEP BLUE Ref."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini Project for CSE 260 Deepa Veerappan DEEP BLUE Ref.

2 Introduction Most powerful chess playing computer. Unique combination of innovate software engineering and massive parallel processing power.

3 Architecture 32 node IBM RS/6000 SP system Uses 30 Power Two Super Chip processors (P2SC) Each node contains 1 micro channel card Each card contains 8 VLSI chess processors Total : 256 chess processors

4 Chess Processor Single chip chess search engine –Move generation –Evaluation –Search

5 Deep Blue in Action Analyzes 200,000,000 positions per second (Kasparov evaluates 3 positions per second) Evaluates the current position Integrates chess information Chooses the optimum move Deep Blue beat Kasparov!!!

6 Current Iteration of RS/6000 SP Named ASCI White 512-node with 8192 processors 12.3 trillion calculations/second (teraflops) 1000 times more powerful than Deep Blue

7 Applications Molecular dynamics Financial modeling Data mining Weather Forecasting

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