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Lees Corner PTA Agenda December 5, 2012 7:30 – Welcome 7:35 – Treasurer’s Report 7:45 – President’s Report 7:50 – Teacher’s Report 8:05 – Principal’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Lees Corner PTA Agenda December 5, 2012 7:30 – Welcome 7:35 – Treasurer’s Report 7:45 – President’s Report 7:50 – Teacher’s Report 8:05 – Principal’s Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lees Corner PTA Agenda December 5, 2012 7:30 – Welcome 7:35 – Treasurer’s Report 7:45 – President’s Report 7:50 – Teacher’s Report 8:05 – Principal’s Report 8:15 - Adjourn

2 Treasurer’s Report

3 Committee Results Hallowingo Results Netted $3,110 compared to an expected $3,700. Based on Silent Auction payments to date. Next Family Fun Night – February 8, 2013 Hallowingo ResultsActualBudget Tickets1,955 50/50287 Silent Auction847 Bake Sale472 Donation40 Hallowingo Income3,6015,000 DJ(350) Other Exp(140) Hallowingo Expense(490)(1,300) Net Margin3,1113,700

4 Committee Results Spirit Wear Sales May 2012 Budget did not include COGS expenses. Grossed $3,960 compared to budgeted $4,000. Netted $705 compared to a budgeted $3,899. Spirit Wear ResultsActualMargin BudgetMargin Spirit Wear Income3,960 4,000 Spirit Wear Expense(3,169) 0 Spiritwear Paypal(86) (101) Net Margin70517.8% 3,89997.5%

5 Committee Results Membership Netted $5,123 compared to expected $2,449 Total membership of 273 compared to expected 300 Higher results due to higher than budgeted amount per member Effect of Paypal for payments is still unclear. Recommend considering it a service to members rather than source for increased membership. PTA Dues & DonationsActualPer Mem BudgetMargin PTA Dues Income6,09522.33 3,00010.00 Donations50.02 5001.67 PTA Dues(926)(3.39) (975)(3.25) Pay Pal Fees - Dues(52)(0.19) (76)(0.25) Net Margin5,12318.76 2,4498.16 Registered Members273 300

6 Committee Results Afterschool Clubs French Club is fully self funding. Chess Club currently has a surplus. Likely due to under billing by vendor. Chess Club T-shirts fully self funded. Afterschool ClubsActualBudget French Club Income460 French Club Expense(460)0 Chess Club Income5,200 Chess Club Expense(4,850)(280) Chess Club T-Shirts Income356 Chess Club T-Shirts Expense(356)0 Net Margin350(280)

7 Committee Results Dining Out Nights Very successful with income of $869 to date compared to budget of $1,000 $458 Subway & $411 Vocellis. Does not include $811 from Chik Fil A Dining Out Nite ResultsTo DateBudget Dining Out Nights Income8691,000 Dining Out Nights Expense(49)0 Net Margin8201,000

8 Budget Analysis Incoming FundsExpectedBudget Book Fair Vendor Pymt200 Net out $200 donation Box Tops Income6101,400 BUDGET GAP ANALYSIS Thru 11/30/2012 PTA Dues/Donation Overbudget2,673 School Supplies Income95 Hallowingo Gap(589) Pending Silent Audition Pymts??? Spirit Wear Gap(3,194) Estimated Gap(1,016) Off System FundsTo Date Allocated to Field Trips Expenses (budgeted $5500) Dining Out Night (Chik Fil A)811 Grocery Receipts (Target & Giant) ($2000 budgeted)782 Total1,5935,500 Completed activities are funding approximately $1,016 behind expected cash generation Dining Days have been very successful with 2 remaining events plus Scoop Nites Large number of budgeted expenses that can be re-evaluated as we proceed through the year.

9 Detailed Results 7/1/2012 thru 11/30/2012



12 Receipt of membership dues and donations at the beginning of the year have us in a cash positive status. Cash on hand and future income will fund remaining budgeted expenses of approximately $13,600.

13 Other Items Deposit and Reimbursement Forms are on the website. Please completed forms in the PTA Treasurer’s Box. Please put any cash in the school safe (Ruth in the Office manages the safe). I generally check the boxes on Mondays during “cello transport”. Please submit any outstanding expense reimbursements for completed events as soon as possible.


15 Upcoming Events Grocery Loyalty Program – reminder sent people to register at all stores. 159 Giant designations to date. $781 raised. Hospitality – 2 nd teacher appreciation event to be held in December Track-A-Thon - sending out KIT in early December seeking Committee Volunteers with first planning meeting in January 6th Grade Basketball - all set for Friday, March 8th and Friday, March 15th will be a snow day if necessary 6th Grade Luncheon - all seems to be in order for now but January/February will be the kick off Movie Night - February 2013

16 Volunteers Track-A-Thon Dining Days Dogfish Event Nominations Committee Grounds Beautification

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