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CIRSIS Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa Some comments from a distance Michele Rostan University of Pavia - Centre for Study and Research.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRSIS Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa Some comments from a distance Michele Rostan University of Pavia - Centre for Study and Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRSIS Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa Some comments from a distance Michele Rostan University of Pavia - Centre for Study and Research on Higher Education Systems UNIRES - Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: Report back from HERANA 25 – 27 August 2010, Franschhoek, Cape Town, South Africa

2 CIRSIS CIRSIS, University of Pavia CIRSIS Pavia

3 CIRSIS A 1st partner: CHESS, University of Milan CIRSIS Pavia CHESS Milan

4 CIRSIS A 2nd partner: CAPP, University of Bologna CIRSIS Pavia CHESS Milan CAPP Bologna

5 CIRSIS A 3rd partner: CS_F_CRUI, Rome CIRSIS Pavia CHESS Milan CAPP Bologna CS_F_CRUI Rome

6 CIRSIS A 4th partner: CESVI, Florence CIRSIS Pavia CHESS Milan CAPP Bologna CS_F_CRUI Rome CESVI Florence

7 CIRSIS The new centre UNIRES Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems

8 CIRSIS Researches / 1 Monitoring university reform implementation in Italy and harmonisation processes in the European Union (2003 – 2006) Secondary and tertiary education links. A comparative research in six European countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden (2004 - 2005) Training and Professions for the Knowledge Economy: Universities’ Strategies of Change in the Milan Area (2004 – 2005) The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society. New Demands on Higher Education in Europe (2004 – 2007) The Internationalisation of the University System in Milan (2006 – 2007) Higher Education in Europe Beyond 2010: Resolving Conflicting Social and Economic Expectations (2006 – 2007)

9 CIRSIS Researches / 2 Changing Academic Profession. An International Research Project (2006 onwards) High Tech Firms and Territories in Italy (2007 – 2008) The reorganization of higher education systems in European "knowledge- based economies": links with the economy, institutional governance and excellence (2007 – 2009) Inventions, inventors and territories in Italy (2008 – 2009) University spinoffs as a contribution to economic development. The Italian case (2009) Cities of Innovation in Italy and in Europe: Origins, Pathways and Development Problems (2009 – 2010)

10 CIRSIS UNIRES research projects Different models of University governance at peripheral level: The role of departments, faculties, schools in organizing teaching and research in Europe Comparative Academic Salary: The Italian case Universities and regional socioeconomic systems

11 CIRSIS The Italian economy Regional disparities Industry SMEs & Industrial Districts “Made in Italy” Innovation

12 CIRSIS Italian HE system / 1 N° of institutions: 89 Student body: 1,800,000 PhD students: 39,000 N° of graduates per year: 290,000 – 300,000 PhD graduates per year: 10,000 Academics: 61,000

13 CIRSIS Italian HE system / 2 High homogeneity State (quasi) monopoly Strong centralisation

14 CIRSIS Evidences on university-economy links University / business collaborations Involvement in relational networks at local / regional level International networks supported by EU programs Influence of local or regional economic context Organizational changes linked with openness to the economy

15 CIRSIS the “Local development paradigm” Competitive local collective goods [ tangible & not tangible resources ] Advantages for firms [ externalities ]

16 CIRSIS the “Local development paradigm” Networks of trust relations [ social capital ] Interaction of a variety of actors [ public & private ] Local economic governance [ market, organization, state, community, association ] Competitive local collective goods [ tangible & not tangible resources ] Advantages for firms [ externalities ]

17 CIRSIS General comments on the HERANA project The approach of the research project Pacts Measuring & evaluating universities’ contribution to development

18 CIRSIS Comments on the Mozambican Report Political change, governance and functioning of higher education University / Industry links Economic development-related projects

19 CIRSIS Comments on the South African Report Individual vs. corporate linkages Social capital and University / Industry links The role of professional communities



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