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1 FORENSIC SCIENCE Toxicology. Today’s agenda: u Notes u Watching Poison Video- you fill out your organizer u Complete the lab u When you finish you can.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FORENSIC SCIENCE Toxicology. Today’s agenda: u Notes u Watching Poison Video- you fill out your organizer u Complete the lab u When you finish you can."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s agenda: u Notes u Watching Poison Video- you fill out your organizer u Complete the lab u When you finish you can work on your project with your partner u Csae study for HW 2

3 3 POISONERS in HISTORY u Olympias—a famous Greek poisoner u Locusta—personal poisoner of Emperor Nero u Lucretia Borgia—father was Pope Alexander VI u Madame Giulia Toffana—committed over 600 successful poisonings, including two Popes. u Hieronyma Spara—formed a society to teach women how to murder their husbands u Madame de Brinvilliers and Catherine Deshayes—French poisoners. AND many others through modern times.

4 Things to consider about poison: u Chemical form (solid, liquid, crystal, etc.) u How enters body (shot versus swallowed) u Body weight and condition of victim u Age of victim (infants/elderly are more susceptible) u Time period of exposure 4

5 Symptoms of Various Types of Poisoning Type of Poison Symptom/Evidence Caustic Poison (lye)Characteristic burns around the lips and mouth of the victim Sulfuric acidBlack vomit Hydrochloric acidGreenish-brown vomit Nitric acidYellow vomit PhosphorousCoffee brown vomit. Onion or garlic odor CyanideBurnt almond odor Arsenic, MercuryPronounced diarrhea Methyl (wood) orNausea and vomiting, Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol unconsciousness, possibly blindness

6 Things to know about Poisons u People can be exposed to toxic substances by: u intentionally- by treating illness or relieving pain u Accidentally- by harmful combinations or overdoses u Deliberately- by harming or killing others or by committing suicide u Acute- large dose of poison all at once u Chronic- small doses over a long period of time 6

7 Bacterial Toxins u Tetanus- lockjaw as it is sometimes called, is produced by the bacterium, Clostridum tetani. It’s poison can cause violent muscle spasms u Botulism- produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, botulism paralyzes muscles. It causes irreversible damage to nerve endings. Very small amounts are extremely deadly. Botulism is the most poisonous biological substance. 7

8 Pesticides and Heavy Metals u Pesticides are mostly used to protect plants or food crops. u Heavy metal compounds can damage many organs in the body. Heavy metals are typically found in rat poisons, paint, etc. u Ex: of metals- arsenic, bismuth, antimony, mercury, thallium u Screening for these metals would be done by dissolving body fluids in HCl & insert a copper strip, a silvery coat on copper indicates heavy metal u Called the Reinsch test 8

9 Bioterrorism Agents u Ricin- poisonous protein in the castor bean. Is lethal in extremely small amounts. Can enter the body by being inhaled as a mist/powder or may be ingested as food/drink or injected. Ricin can cause death within a few hours u Anthrax- is caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, which forms spores. Can be spread to humans from infected animals. Can enter the human body through: u Inhalation- causing breathing problems that usually result in death u Ingestion- becoming fatal in 25-60% of cases u Absorption in skin- leading to death in about 20% of untreated cases 9

10 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning u Can result in accidental death from heating systems, space heaters u Also a very common form of suicide by inhaling the auto fumes u Carbon monoxide, CO, combines with the hemoglobin in blood resulting in oxygen insufficiency resulting in death by asphyxiation u Signs of CO poisoning- red/pink patches on skin 10

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