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OFFICE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER FOR MINES, COUNTERMINE AND DEMOLITIONS Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry 29 May 2002 Oldest Project Management Office.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER FOR MINES, COUNTERMINE AND DEMOLITIONS Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry 29 May 2002 Oldest Project Management Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER FOR MINES, COUNTERMINE AND DEMOLITIONS Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry 29 May 2002 Oldest Project Management Office in the US Army Established 1961 LTC Arthur J. Aragon Jr. Assistant Project Manager for Mines Countermine and Demolitions 973-724-7933

2 ARDEC NVL CECOM ARL TSM ECS DCD MANCEN USSOCOM USMC Project Manager COL Bud Irish Deputy Project Manager Chuck Digney Mines Division Doreen Chaplin Countermine Division Larry Nee Demolitions/ Non Lethal Division Jim Tower Program Management Division George Firrincili ORGANIZATION

3 Office of the Project Manager Mines, Countermine and Demolitions Wide Area Munitions (WAM)/Raptor FASCAM Mines Next Generation of Scatterable Mines Mine/Minefield Detect, Clear, Breach Non-Lethal Capabilities APL Alternatives Demolition Systems SOFSystems FY02 RDT&E$111.2M WTCV- OPA$19.0M AMMO$31.2M TOTAL $161.4M MISSION Responsible for the Intensive Management of Programs From Development Through Initial Production, Fielding and Product Improvement Customers: MP’s JNLWD Engineer Special Forces Artillery Infantry Aviation Product Lines 27 PROGRAMS 2 ACAT II APL-A CONGRESSIONAL/PRESIDENTIAL INTEREST WAM OSD TEST OVERSIGHT 48 CONTRACTS

4 New Business Opportunities Munition Programs Anti-Personnel Landmine Alternatives - Track 3 Alternatives to AP Mines in Mixed Systems Entire AP/AT Mixed Systems - Materiel and/or Non-Materiel Additional Alternatives to Non-Self Destructing APLs Continuous Broad Agency Announcement for Concepts RAPTOR - Request for Proposal – 31 May 2002 System of Systems Sensors Gateways Munitions Control Station/Command and Communications

5 Demolition Programs Modernized Demolitions Initiators (MDI) - FY03 Production of : XM19/XM21/XM23 - Cap, Blasting: dual, in-line initiator, non-electric, 200/500/1000 ft (respectively) minitube XM20/XM22 - Inert XM19/XM22, respectively New starts - FY03 Advanced Linear Shape Charges Cratering Charge Remote Shock Tube Initiator Infantryman’s Wall Breaching Kit New Business Opportunities (Cont.)

6 New Business Opportunities (Cont.) Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) - On-going Army’s Non-Lethal (NL) Capability Sets Joint NLW Program Joint Mission Need Statement - 3QFY02 Identifies 8 functional areas for NLW Development Concept Exploration Programs being pursued for FY00-04 Countermine Programs - FY03 Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System (ASTAMIDS) Block 1 Surface and recently buried minefields and obstacles Ground Standoff Mine Detection System (GSTAMIDS) Block 1 Confirmation sensor with GPR/Magnetic/IR sensors Mine neutralizer

7 Technologies of Interest Communications, Command and Control IR Sensing Acoustic Sensing Seismic Sensing Magnetic Sensing Explosively Formed Penetrators Shape Charge Ground Penetrating Radars Blast Effects Automatic Target Recognition Robotics Quadrupole Resonance

8 Interim Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector Modular Crowd Control Munition Non-Lethal Capability Set Portable Vehicle Arresting Barrier Non-Self Destruct Alternative (APL-A Track 1) Wide Area Munition (Hornet) VOLCANO Intelligent Combat Outpost (Raptor) Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition PROJECT MANAGER for Mines,Countermine &Demolitions Anti-Personnel Landmine Alternatives (APL-A) Non-Lethal Weapons Ground Standoff Minefield Detection System Fighting Position Excavator Hand-held Standoff Mine Detection System Sympathetic Detonator Rattler (APL-A Track 3) Proc (12) 1.059b RDT&E (15) 1.252b Total 2.311b FY02 - FY09

9 Point of Contact Mr. Kevin T. Wong Manager, International and Advanced Programs 973-724-6118

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