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Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC What is the role of SMT in coaching and disseminating practice? SMT pack.

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Presentation on theme: "Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC What is the role of SMT in coaching and disseminating practice? SMT pack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC What is the role of SMT in coaching and disseminating practice? SMT pack 2009

2 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC Nominated lead adviser Facilitates links between schools in development programme in LA Provides in school coaching and support for all lead teachers on development programme Facilitates dissemination across LA works in partnership with DCELLS and schools to promote and support development programme monitors and evaluates progress in embedding pedagogy in schools and across LA Lead teachers (including 1 member of SMT as part of lead team) work with LA adviser as coach in embedding pedagogy in own classrooms initially provide mutual support within lead team and act in coaching capacity for one another in lead team in time, become coaches for other colleagues in school to disseminate practice In both roles, it is critical that the fundamental principles underpinning developing thinking and assessment for learning are clearly understood and communicated. Roles and responsibilities SMT pack 2009

3 What is the key role of SMT as a lead teacher? give the programme and the action research of the lead teachers a high status within the school community personally experiment with pedagogy and suggested strategies/tools to promote developing thinking and AfL principles share and disseminate outcomes develop lead teachers as coaches for colleagues in order to spread practice across the school work closely with colleagues in partner primary schools and ITET (where possible) to ensure cohere and consistency in understanding and practice SMT pack 2009

4 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC What does coaching do? Strengthens and builds capacity of a colleague to improve existing abilities, develop new skills and gain a deeper understanding of evidence-based practices Rush and Sheldon, 2005 What is coaching ? An adult learning strategy in which the coach promotes the ‘learner’s’ ability to reflect on his or her actions as a means to determine the effectiveness of an action or practice and develop a plan for refinement and use of the action in immediate and future situations. Rush, 2003 SMT pack 2009

5 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC Does coaching work? Joyce and Showers, in a study on best practices in CPD, paired teachers with a coach (who had experience, expertise and understanding in the particular area of focus). They worked with, supported, supervised and provided teachers with constructive feedback in their development. Results of their studies showed that teachers who had a coaching relationship -that is, who shared aspects of teaching, planned together, and pooled their experiences - practiced new skills and strategies more frequently and applied them more appropriately than did their counterparts who worked alone to expand their repertoires. Members of peer-coaching groups exhibited greater long-term retention of new strategies and more appropriate use of new teaching models over time Coaching helped nearly all the teachers implement new teaching strategies. Equally important, teachers introduced to the new models could coach one another. (Baker and Showers 1984). Taken from SMT pack 2009

6 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC Learning Pyramid National Training Laboratories Bethel, Maine SMT pack 2009 Average retention rate 90% 75% 50% 30% 20% 10% 5%

7 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC 5 key characteristics of coaching Joint planning Observation Action Reflection Feedback Trust needs to be established between coach and ‘learner’. Shared responsibility is essential – coach models (not leads) and allows ‘learner’ to experiment in the safety of being supported in the classroom and with opportunities to deconstruct practice. SMT pack 2009

8 Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? ACCAC Coaching Modelling processes Instructing how to teach Team teachingTaking charge Empowering capability Encouraging dependency Encouraging experimentation with safety of support Creating formulaic response Supporting teacher reflection of practice, listening and offering advice Instructing what to do and imposing judgement SMT pack 2009

9 Case studies – Examples of dissemination strategies used in the pilot programme 1.‘Policy for a fortnight’ 2. Learning and teaching forum 3. Practical workshops through INSET SMT pack 2009

10 Who Pwy What Beth When Pryd Where Ble Why Pam How Sut Dissemination of practice from programme SMT pack 2009

11 Lethal mutations of pedagogy to support developing thinking and assessment for learning A ‘lethal mutation’ is where a tool or strategy is used inappropriately or amended to reduce its effectiveness in exemplifying or supporting a principle. It most frequently occurs when a teacher uses a tool or strategy without understanding its purpose or without planning for a specific principle. A fairly reliable warning sign is the ‘scattergun’ approach to using strategies. SMT pack 2009

12 Lethal mutations and misconceptions – The Magnificent Seven 1.No hands up used but there are poor quality contributions or same learners answer always. 2.Metacognition is limited to a plenary section in a lesson 3.Peer and self assessment is marking to an Imposed markscheme or ticking ‘can do’ statements 4.2 stars and a wish used but feedback is generalised and not linked to success criteria SMT pack 2009

13 Lethal mutations and misconceptions – The Magnificent Seven 5.Traffic lighting used but there is no follow-up or further collaboration to take learning on 6. KWHL grid used but generated questions lack focus 7. In reflecting on own learning, responses are generalised, low-level and lack focus eg. ‘I enjoyed it’ SMT pack 2009

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