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Turtles Lessons Learned and the Gulf Regional Biological Opinion Bob Prince Chief, Operations and Regulatory Community of Practice South Atlantic Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Turtles Lessons Learned and the Gulf Regional Biological Opinion Bob Prince Chief, Operations and Regulatory Community of Practice South Atlantic Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turtles Lessons Learned and the Gulf Regional Biological Opinion Bob Prince Chief, Operations and Regulatory Community of Practice South Atlantic Division

2 Gulf Regional Biological Opinion (GRBO)/Management Protocol Three Divisions – SWD, MVD, SAD Three Divisions – SWD, MVD, SAD Four Districts Four Districts –Galveston –New Orleans –Mobile –Jacksonville

3 Executive Advisory Group (EAG) Operations Chiefs – Three Divisions Operations Chiefs – Three Divisions –Policy and oversight –Decisions, in consultation with Districts, dealing with ceasing dredging –Communicate frequently –Meet annually –Annual review of GRBO Protocol

4 Federal Projects District trigger points District trigger points Reasonable and prudent measures Reasonable and prudent measures Districts engage EAG Districts engage EAG –Four turtle takes – any species or three endangered –Seventy five percent of District “trigger point” limit

5 Federal Projects (continued) Hopper Dredge Inspection Hopper Dredge Inspection Silent Inspector Silent Inspector Sea Turtle Deflecting Dragheads Sea Turtle Deflecting Dragheads Sea Turtle Observers Sea Turtle Observers Inflow/Overflow Screens Inflow/Overflow Screens Pre-trawling Condition and Abundance Surveys Pre-trawling Condition and Abundance Surveys Relocation Trawling Relocation Trawling

6 Federal Projects (continued) Take one or two (Threatened or Endangered) Take one or two (Threatened or Endangered) –Continue dredging –Simultaneously perform risk assessment –Develop Risk Management Plan and implement

7 Federal Projects (continued) –At three turtles – District notify EAG –At four turtle takes – engage EAG –At first Sturgeon take – District notify EAG –At two Sturgeon takes – District engage EAG –EAG remains engaged throughout the remainder of the project (Note – Dredging continues as all the above occurs)

8 COE Permitted Projects No District trigger points No District trigger points Reasonable and prudent measures Reasonable and prudent measures Districts engage EAG Districts engage EAG –Four turtle takes – any species or three endangered –Seventy five percent of incidental take limit for any species Role of Permittee’s Consultant Role of Permittee’s Consultant –Dredge Inspection –Risk Assessment

9 COE Permitted Projects (continued) Hopper Dredge Inspection Hopper Dredge Inspection Silent Inspector Silent Inspector Sea Turtle Deflecting Dragheads Sea Turtle Deflecting Dragheads Sea Turtle Observers Sea Turtle Observers Inflow/Overflow Screens Inflow/Overflow Screens Pre-trawling Condition and Abundance Surveys Pre-trawling Condition and Abundance Surveys Relocation Trawling Relocation Trawling

10 COE Permitted Projects (continued) Take one or two (Threatened or Endangered) Take one or two (Threatened or Endangered) –Stop dredging –Perform risk assessment –Develop Risk Management Plan and implement –District reviews and concurs – dredging may continue

11 COE Permitted Projects (continued) –At three turtles – District notify EAG –At four turtle takes – engage EAG –At first Sturgeon take – District notify EAG –At two Sturgeon takes – District engage EAG –EAG remains engaged throughout the remainder of the project (Note – Dredging stops at each take – turtle or sturgeon)

12 Relocation Trawling Takes Same for Federal and COE Permitted Projects Same for Federal and COE Permitted Projects Use as conditions dictate Use as conditions dictate Plan for Sea Turtle Relocation Trawling Plan for Sea Turtle Relocation Trawling No District “Trigger Points” No District “Trigger Points” Keep ERDC informed on relocations Keep ERDC informed on relocations If lethal/injurious take occurs – Notifications – District, NMFS, and ERDC If lethal/injurious take occurs – Notifications – District, NMFS, and ERDC

13 Separate RBO Preferred alternative, but, unsuccessful during discussions with NMFS Preferred alternative, but, unsuccessful during discussions with NMFS Separate take limits – Federal and Permitted projects Separate take limits – Federal and Permitted projects If either Federal takes or Permitted takes nearly exhausted/exhausted - Reconsult with NMFS If either Federal takes or Permitted takes nearly exhausted/exhausted - Reconsult with NMFS


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