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DaphniaHydraJellyfish Class- Ification VocabPotpourri $200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 800.

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Presentation on theme: "DaphniaHydraJellyfish Class- Ification VocabPotpourri $200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 800."— Presentation transcript:




4 DaphniaHydraJellyfish Class- Ification VocabPotpourri $200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000

5 Oxidation numbers Polyatomic ions Nucleus of the atom Groups Noble gases Compound s $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 800 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1200 $ 1200 $ 1200 $ 1200 $ 1200 1200 $ 1200 $ 1600 $ 1600 $ 1600 $ 1600 $ 1600 $ 1600 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000 $ 2000

6 Final Jeopardy Famous Scientists

7 Final Jeopardy Neils Bohr Scientist who proposed that electrons move around the nucleus in certain paths

8 $200 Fresh water This is Daphnia’s habitat..

9 $400 A jerky motion Dapnia moves in this way.

10 $600 Algae or bacteria Microorganism eaten by Daphnia.

11 $800 Excellent protection An advantage of having an exoskeleton.

12 $1000 parthenogenesis Asexual reproduction in which eggs hatch without fertilization.

13 $200 somersaults The way that Hydra moves in the water.

14 $400 Enzymes or acids Substance produced by Hydra’s inner layer of cells in the digestive cavity.

15 $600 diffusion This process is used to distribute nutrients throughout the Hydra’s body.

16 $800 They lay eggs (sexually) Hydra reproduce this way in the winter due to the cold temperatures.

17 $1000 Nerve net Part of Hydra that controls movement of muscles.

18 $200 Salt water Jellyfish habitat.

19 $400 water Jellyfish are composed of 95% of this substance.

20 $600 Tentacles or nematocysts Structure used for hunting that Jellyfish have in common with Hydra.

21 $800 Box jellyfish Type of Jellyfish that are extremely deadly.

22 $1000 Low oxygen levels Conditions under which Jellyfish thrive, caused by dumping of chemicals in the ocean.

23 $200 Crustacea Class of organisms with gills, 2 pair of antennae and many appendages.

24 $400 Hollow bodies and tentacles Two characteristics shared by Cnidarians.

25 $600 Arthropoda Daphnia is a member of this phylum.

26 $800 Insecta Organisms in this class are related to Crustaceans but have wings and do not have gills.

27 $1000 They lack freedom of movement/flexibility Disadvantage arthropods have regarding their exoskeletons.

28 $200 Carapace Transparent exoskeleton found in Daphnia

29 $400 Sting cell Type of cell on Hydra that contains a nematocyst.

30 $600 Stimulant Substance that causes the heartbeat to increase.

31 $800 Brood chamber Place where eggs are stored in Daphnia.

32 $1000 Gills Structures used for gas exchange, found in Daphnia and other Crustaceans.

33 $200 movement This is the function of Daphnia’s second antenna.

34 $400 Portugese man-of-war Type of jellyfish that gives severe stings to humans, but is not usually lethal.

35 $600 budding Method of reproduction found in Hydra and yeast.

36 $800 bristles Structure found on legs of Daphnia, used to catch food particles.

37 $1000 Alcohol (or depressant) Example of a substance that slows the heartbeat of organisms, including Daphnia.

38 $400 + 1 sodium

39 $800 Halogens

40 $1200 0 He

41 $1600 0 In order for a compound to be stable, the oxidation numbers must add up to this number

42 $2000 Non metals Elements that tend to gain electrons easily are called

43 $400 ammonium NH 4

44 $800 hydroxide OH

45 $1200 carbonate CO 3

46 $1600 sulfate SO 4

47 $2000 chlorate ClO 3

48 $400 Atomic mass the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom

49 $800 protons All atoms of the same element contain the same number of ___________

50 $1200 Gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak Name two of the four forces holding the atom together.

51 $1600 quarks Protons and neutrons are actually composed of these smaller particles

52 $2000 neutrons Carbon-14 is different from carbon-12 because it has 2 more of these particles in its nucleus

53 $400 families The vertical columns of the periodic table are called groups or

54 $800 halogens Group that includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine

55 $1200 Alkali metals Group that contains lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium

56 $1600 Boron group Group that contains B, Al, Ga, In and Tl

57 $2000 halogens The only group that contains all three states of matter

58 $400 Non metals All of the noble gases are (metals, non metals)

59 $800 argon An element in this group that is used in light bulbs

60 $1200 18 Group number

61 $1600 8 This group is unreactive because most of the elements have this number of valence electrons

62 $2000 inert Another name for the noble gases

63 $400 valence An atom’s chemical reactivity is determined by its number of these kind of electrons

64 $800 8 The total number of atoms in a molecule of Na 3 PO 4

65 $1200 covalent This type of bond forms between S and O

66 $1600 +2 In the compound, ZnI 2, the oxidation number of Zn

67 $2000 water Common name for H 2 O

68 Daily Double sublimation The phase change that occurs when a solid changes directly into a gas

69 Daily Double CaCl 2 The chemical formula for calcium chloride

70 Daily Double helium The only noble gas that has less than 8 valence electrons

71 The Jeopardy champion!

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