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Career Advancement as a Clinician-Educator in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005 APGO Faculty Development Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Advancement as a Clinician-Educator in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005 APGO Faculty Development Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Advancement as a Clinician-Educator in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005 APGO Faculty Development Seminar

2 Alice R. Goepfert, MD Seine Chiang, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Jessica Bienstock, MD, MPH Johns Hopkins University William N.P. Herbert, MD University of Virginia

3 Objectives l Explore faculty’s knowledge of the P&T process. l Provide tools to organize a plan for promotion and tenure. l Discuss faculty development resources and opportunities.

4 Career Advancement Should be a joint responsibility shared by the individual faculty and the institution.

5 Common Misconception “If I work hard and do well, I will move up the academic ladder accordingly…”

6 Career Advancement Reality… You must play a major role in your promotion and early planning is essential.

7 How much have you thought about your academic career? l What are your professional goals and objectives? l What specialized skills have you developed? l What are the expectations of your Division Director? your Chairman? l Do you meet at least annually with your Division Director? your Chairman? l How do you contribute to the mission of your academic health center?

8 What are your professional goals and objectives?

9 Develop specific goals l Intrinsic motivation l External factors LocationSalary Family considerations Expectations of the AHC

10 What specialized skills have you developed?

11 Develop Specialized Skills l Seek faculty development APGOAAMCELAMSGIM Berlex Foundation

12 Develop specific goals and specialized skills l Committee work should be in a related area l Become active in a national professional organization

13 What are the expectations of your Division Director? Of your Chairman? Do you meet with them at least annually?

14 Negotiating l Formally communicate your interests to your Division Director and Chairman l Ask for timely written feedback – annually or semi-annually l Serve your institution in areas that benefit you.

15 How do your goals and skills contribute to the mission of your academic health center?

16 Mission of Academic Health Centers l Teaching - Scholar l Research - Scientist l Patient Care - Healer l Administrative Duties - Manager

17 Conflicting Perspectives l Increasing dependence on clinical revenue l Accountability versus autonomy

18 How much do you know about your institution’s P&T guidelines? l What academic pathway are you on? l Do you have a clinician-educator track? l How long is your institution’s tenure clock? When does it advance? l What are the criteria for awarding promotion and tenure? l Is there a required CV format? Teaching Portfolio? l What activities are considered “scholarly”?

19 What academic pathways are available at your institution? Which one are you on? Do you have a Clinician-Educator track?

20 Strategies for Successful Advancement l Know institution’s P&T guidelines: Award cycle Criteria for award of promotion Criteria for award of tenure Required CV format Teaching Portfolio

21 Tenure l Protects title but not salary or job l How long is your tenure clock? l When does it start? l When does it advance? l Know your institution’s criteria for earning tenure

22 Promotion and Tenure at UAB Faculty must demonstrate excellence and potential for continued growth in at least two of three areas: –Teaching –Scholarly activities including research –Service and other creative activities Clinical Care Administrative Duties National Organizations

23 What activities are considered “scholarly”?

24 Scholarly Educational Activities l Curriculum Development l Educational Research l Faculty Development l Teaching Scholars l Teaching Awards

25 Document Teaching Contributions l Quantity as unduplicated hours: –Didactics, curriculum development –Clinical: rounds, conferences, OR –Advisor and mentor l Quality: –Availability –Clinical skill –Effectiveness (evaluations & awards)

26 “Academic Progress” is ultimately measured by areas deemed important by your institution.


28 Common mistakes of junior faculty during academic career development l Failure to define career goals l Failure to select an appropriate mentor l Poor selection of faculty position l Poor negotiation of support Applegate & Williams, Am J Med, 1990

29 Common mistakes of junior faculty during academic career development l Poor time management l Inadequate understanding of requirements for promotion and tenure l Lack of research focus or scholarly productivity Applegate & Williams, Am J Med, 1990

30 Do you have a mentor?

31 The mentoring relationship A dynamic, reciprocal relationship between an advanced career incumbent (the mentor) and a junior faculty member (protégé) aimed at fostering the development of the junior person/protégé.

32 Functions of a Mentor l Teaching l Professional and personal guidance l Sponsorship l Role-modeling l Socialization into the profession

33 Faculty Development Resources l Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics at l Society of General Internal Medicine at l Association of American Medical Colleges at l Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women at l The Berlex Foundation at

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