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Integration Strategy Newcastle Robert Shaw The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration Strategy Newcastle Robert Shaw The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration Strategy Newcastle Robert Shaw The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust

2 Agenda About the Trust Why Integration and messaging approach Network support Architecture Examples of projects with benefits –Electronic Referrals –PACS National Programme Future ……..

3 Who are we Dr Foster Hospital of the Year Large Teaching, Tertiary Acute Trust –£0.5 Billion turn over –12,000 employees –Over 2,000 beds, 58 theatres –120 specialities and sub specialties –Local, Regional and National services

4 Why integration Delivery of business critical information Uncertainty of future Volume of Multiple specialties Interoperability with other Health and Social Care Put Trust in control of which systems are changed

5 Network infrastructure …….

6 Summary Architecture P.A.S. Pathology PACS/RIS Casemix Order CommsTheatre Audit Web ClinicalMgt Middleware Primary Care Pharmacy MPI Integration Engine LANTIS

7 Master Patient Index PAS MPI (SQL Server) Biz Talk Server 30 + systems Patient Identification NHS Number Hospital Number System Number Migration “Back room” system but the most system critical 40,000 per day 1.8 million records in MPI

8 Delivering the benefits ….. Patient –There details follow them across the Trust Business –Reduced CNST payments –Clean set of patient demographics

9 Praxis example

10 Draw architecture of PRAXIS

11 Delivering the benefits ….. Patient –Know what is happening –Information Clinician –Speed of access of referral –Integrated into record Administration –Rich source of data

12 Integrated PACS/RIS project

13 Architecture of PACS Switch Fabric SAN Temporal Web viewer DICOM Message Handling Validation and Integration Multiple Modalities and Manufactures

14 DICOM / Integration of all existing modalities DICOM Conformance “Compliance” or “Conformance” to a standard doesn’t always mean that it will work


16 Metrics 5.4 Million images since May 04 Estimate 8.5 Million Radiology p.a. 3,582 users, approx 1,400 concurrent Hardware –48 Tb stretch SAN - HP –Fx Channel Disks –2 Gbps average access rate from SAN


18 Delivering the benefits …… Patient –Quicker access to diagnosis –Quicker through the system Clinician –More than one clinician can access the same picture –Delivery in all clinical environments Business –Financial

19 Mermaid …….

20 Integrated into Pathology Radiology Clinical Notation Becoming the clinical front end 3,000 letters per day Future Link to clinical document archive Integrate Digital Dictation with Telecoms switch

21 National Programme …… Vision & Values Delivery …… ? Only 40% of Trust systems –Version 2.x ………. Not going away !!! Inter operability …….

22 The Future ………

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