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Clinical Aspects of Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease Roy Weller Clinical Neurosciences University of Southampton School of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Aspects of Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease Roy Weller Clinical Neurosciences University of Southampton School of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Aspects of Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Disease Roy Weller Clinical Neurosciences University of Southampton School of Medicine

2 Normal Nerves Motor Sensory 1.Anterior Horn Cell 2.Dorsal root ganglion cell 3.Motor Peripheral Nerve 4.Sensory Peripheral Nerve 5.Neuromuscular Junction 6.Sensory ending 7.Muscle

3 Peripheral Neuropathy Mononeuropathy Mononeuropathy Multiplex Polyneuropathy Distal distribution of Sensory and motor signs and symptoms

4 Peripheral Neuropathy 1.Sensory: 2.Motor: a.Paraesthesia (tingling, pins & needles, prickling, burning…) b.Numbness (Hypoaesthesia) c.Abnormal degrees and types of sensation a.Weakness b.Wasting c.Muscle twitching (fasciculations)

5 Peripheral Neuropathy Investigations Blood tests: Part of the general investigation CSF: –Protein raised in inflammatory conditions Radiology (CXR, MR Imaging) Nerve Conduction Studies + EMG –Axonal degeneration Vs Demyelinating

6 MRI of cervical Nerve root tumours

7 MRI of cervical Nerve root tumour

8 Peripheral Neuropathy Investigations Nerve Biopsy –Axonal degeneration –Segmental Demyelination –Inflammatory changes –Others (Amyloid, paraprotein,..)

9 Axonal Degeneration and Regeneration

10 Segmental DegenerationAutoimmune Segmental Degeneration

11 Clinical Approach to Peripheral Neuropathy Which systems are involved? What is the distribution of weakness? What is the nature of the sensory involvement? What is the temporal evolution? Acute, Subacute, Chronic, relapsing,.. Is there evidence of heredity?


13 Where is the pathology? Dermatomes

14 Clinical Evaluation of Compression Neuropathy

15 Toxic Neuropathies

16 Nerve Biopsy When to biopsy a nerve? –Neuropathy is severe, actively worsening –Essential for diagnosis Complications –10-15% –Localised Sensory loss –Wound infection, dehiscence, neuroma formation –Unpleasant dysaesthesiae, neuropathic pain

17 Peripheral Neuropathies in Which a Nerve Biopsy May Be Useful Acquired –Vasculitis* –Sarcoidosis* –Amyloidosis* –CIDP –IgM Paraproteinaemic N –Leprosy –Tumour infiltration* *Nerve Biopsy often essential for Dx Hereditary –CMT types 1A,1B &3 –HNPP (tomaculous neuropathy) –Amyloidosis –Giant Axonal Neuropathy –Metachromatic Leukodystrophy –Polyglucosan body N* –Refsum’s disease

18 Muscle disease

19 ClinicalPathology Genetics Diagnosis of Muscle Disease

20 Perivascular Lymphocytes Myofibils Satellite cell Sarcolemma Nucleus EM of muscle fiber Basal lamina or Basement membrane Macrophages Regenerating myoblast

21 Clinical Classification of Myopathies: Primary diseases of Muscle Hereditary: –Muscular dystrophies –Myotonias –Channelopathies –Congenital myopathies –Metabolic myopathies –Mitochondrial myopathies Acquired: –Inflammatory myopathies –Endocrine myopathies –Myopathies associated with other systemic illness –Drug-induced myopathies –Toxic myopathies

22 Myopathy Features Supporting Diagnosis: –Distribution proximal –Muscle Bulkpreserved or enlarged –ReflexesParallel muscle strength

23 Distribution of weakness can aid diagnosis in muscular dystrophies: a] Duchenne and Becker; b] Emery Dreifuss; c] limb-girdle; d] fascioscapulohumeral; e] distal; f] oculpharyngeal Most myopathies have a proximal distribution of weakness and pain.

24 Myopathy Features against diagnosis: –Distal weakness –Fasciculations –Tremor –Sensory signs (or symptoms) –Pathological fatigue –Early absence of reflexes

25 Muscle biopsy Which Muscle? –Moderately involved, but avoid muscle with severe weakness –Best Specific Muscles: Deltoid, Biceps, Quadriceps –Avoid: Muscle sampled by EMG or sites of recent trauma

26 Muscle Disease: Pathology & Genetics 2 nd Edition Edited by Hans H. Goebel, Caroline A. Sewry and Roy O. Weller Publisher, International Society of Neuropathology & John Wiley & Sons Limited 2013

27 Perivascular Lymphocytes Myofibils Satellite cell Sarcolemma Nucleus EM of muscle fiber Basal lamina or Basement membrane Macrophages Regenerating myoblast

28 9 8 4 11 10 14/15/16 Perivascular Lymphocytes Myofibils Satellite cell 2 3 Sarcolemma 5/12/13 Nucleus 6 EM of muscle fiber 14 17 7 Basal lamina or Basement membrane Macrophages Regenerating myoblast 1


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