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Recap Section 4 and Notes Section 5. The Crusades  A series of military expeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity 1096 – 1270  Failed.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap Section 4 and Notes Section 5. The Crusades  A series of military expeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity 1096 – 1270  Failed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap Section 4 and Notes Section 5

2 The Crusades  A series of military expeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity 1096 – 1270  Failed to rescue the Holy Land but had two consequences that encouraged European exploration and expansion **Sparked an increase in trade as crusaders returned home with a new taste for products from Asia **Weakened the power of European nobles who either died or lost their fortunes, allowing the monarchs to consolidate their own power. Eventually monarchs sponsored overseas exploration in order to increase their wealth and power

3 Decline in Church Authority  A third long term consequence of the Crusades  Power struggles with European kings in the 1300s and 1400s Reformation  Divided Christianity between Catholicism and Protestantism  Deepened rivalries between European nations and sent newly formed Protestant sects across the Atlantic to seek religious freedom

4 Changes Come to Europe –The Growth of Commerce and Population  Crusades opened up trade routes with Asia  Merchants got wealthy and rose in power –The Rise of Nations  Monarchs began exerting more control over their lands by collecting new taxes, raising professional armies, and strengthening central governments  Merchants paid taxes in exchange for protection or expansion of trade  Monarchs encouraged exploration in order to gain wealth to maintain their armies and bureaucracies  Portugal, Spain, France, and England

5 Europe Enters a New Age of Expansion –Alternate Trade Routes to Asia Sought –Sailing Technology  Allowed ships to sail in the open seas –Portugal Takes the Lead  Prince Henry the Navigator  Established a sailing school  Sponsored the earliest voyages  West coast of Africa  In power nearly 40 years  Vasco da Gama reached India ten years later

6 Transatlantic Encounters  Columbus Crosses the Atlantic –Italian Gets Backing from Spain  Believed there was a western route to Asia  Isabella of Spain agreed to sponsor him  Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria  Left from Spain on August 3, 1492  First Encounters  Land spotted from the Pinta on October 12, 1492  Encountered the Taino (“noble ones”)  Renamed the island San Salvador or “Holy Savior” and claimed it for Spain

7 Transatlantic Encounters - Gold, Land, and Religion  Search for gold was one of the main reasons for the voyage  When gold was not found in San Salvador, Columbus sailed all around the Caribbean looking for it, claiming all of the islands for Spain and giving them Spanish names  Planted a cross on all lands he discovered and promised to assert Christian domination –Spanish Footholds  Columbus returned to Spain and reported that he had reached the islands off Asia known as the Indies  Named the people Indians  Spain funded three more voyages  Colonized lands they found

8 The Impact on Native Americans –Methods of Colonization  Plantation System  Use of Forced Labor  Use of European weapons to dominate a people with less sophisticated weaponry –Resistance and Conquest  Some groups resisted but were quickly crushed –Disease Ravages the Native Americans  Lacked immunity to European diseases and hundreds of thousands of them died

9 The Slave Trade Begins –A New Slave Labor Force  Disease created a labor shortage  Africans seen as superior laborers  African slavery became an essential part of the European-American economic system –African Losses  Devastated many African societies  Ultimately drained Africa of at least 12 million people

10 The Impact on Europeans –The Columbian Exchange  Global transfer of living things between Europe, Africa, and the Americas  Continues today –National Rivalries  Portugal resented Spain ’s sudden conquests  Treaty of Tordesillas  Negotiated by the Pope  Divided New World between Spain and Portugal  Impossible to enforce  Only lasting effect was to give Portugal Brazil

11 A New Society is Born –Story of the United States begins with a meeting of North American, African, and European peoples and cultures that radically transformed all three worlds –Story of the United States begins with a meeting of North American, African, and European peoples and cultures that radically transformed all three worlds

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