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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 1 Comment Resolution 11k MIB (Normative Text 11-04-816r1) Paul Gray AirWave

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 1 Comment Resolution 11k MIB (Normative Text 11-04-816r1) Paul Gray AirWave

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 2 Rollup Started with Reaff 2003 Rolled up 11h, 11i, 11j, and 11g Includes Site Report Enhancement 11-04-735r4 Removes AP Service Load Does not include TGe Does not contain Conformance Statements Does not contain 11m changes

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 3 Inconsistent Definitions OCTETSTRING Octet String Wrong Corrected Integer INTEGER TSFtype TSFType

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 4 Sequence Definition Example Dot11RRMNeighborReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dot11RRMNeibhorReportIndex Unsigned32, Dot11RRMNeighborReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { Dot11RRMNeighborReportIndex Unsigned32, Wrong Corrected

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 5 Incorrect Reference Example { dot11NoiseHistogramReportEntry 4 } dot11NoiseHistogramMeasuringSTAAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the measuring STA for this row of Noise Histogram 10 report." ::= { dot11BeaconReportEntry 4 } Wrong Corrected

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 6 Incorrect Reference Example dot11FrameRprtActualMsmtStart OBJECT-TYPE dot11FrameReportEntry ::= 24 SEQUENCE { 25 dot11FrameRprtIndex Unsigned32, dot11FrameRprtIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dot11FrameRprtRqstToken Unsigned32, dot11FrameRprtChanNumber INTEGER, dot11FrameRprtChanBand INTEGER, dot11FrameRprtActualMsmtStart TSFType,. dot11FrameRprtActualStartTime OBJECT-TYPE Wrong Corrected

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 7 Typos measurment tablular identy remians tha shalle

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/825r0 Submission July 2004 Gray, AirWaveSlide 8 Motion Move to instruct the editor to apply the comment resolutions in document 11-04-816r1 when preparing the next version of the IEEE802.11k draft. Moved: Gray Seconded: For: Against: Abstain:

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