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Recap and Overview of the Curriculum Writing Process AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap and Overview of the Curriculum Writing Process AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap and Overview of the Curriculum Writing Process AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson 1

2 Quality Curriculum Components The Curriculum and the Unit 2 AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

3 What are Units? Units are Building Blocks: The flow of the design is from ‘whole to part’. All of the units ultimately combine to build the curriculum. 3AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

4 What is a “unit”? A Unit is a coherent set of activities and assessments, organized around an essential question, a theme, a performance, an idea, or a text. A Unit is big enough to help us avoid -  micro-managing our lessons  overlooking important performance goals A Unit is small enough to help us avoid -  vague and unhelpful planning, typically ending in “coverage” 4AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

5 What is “Curriculum”? 1. The ‘formal curriculum’ is as defined by State Standards, Performance Indicators, etc 5AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

6 What is “Curriculum”? 2. The ‘operational curriculum’ is as set out in a text or similar resource, or a planned unit of work, generally based on the appropriate Standards. 6AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

7 What is “Curriculum”? 3. The term ‘curriculum’ can refer to what is actually taught (the running track analogy). 7AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

8 What is “Curriculum”? 4. The term ‘curriculum’ can also refer to what is actually learned (the act of running). 8AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

9 Task. Discuss the differences between these curricula. Essential question: Why are there differences? Guiding questions: What are the differences? How can we close the gap? 9AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

10 Closing the Gap The process that we are using to write our Course Map and units seeks to MINIMIZE any gap by focusing on assessment of student understanding, and not just assessment of content and skill. Understanding lies at the heart of the process (ref p 12-14 of the Packet). 10AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

11 Curriculum Philosophy  The process that we are using is underpinned by the belief that the curriculum is not found in the text book. The process positions you as the subject expert.  The text, the web, etc, are merely tools. AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson11

12 Don’t forget differentiation! 12AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

13 That is – differentiated instruction is where teachers can adapt… Content Process Product based on a student’s Readiness Interest Learning Profile 13AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

14 Assessment decisions What is good… diagnostic assessment? formative assessment? summative assessment? 14AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

15 Remember the steps… (N.B. The following steps are a more detailed version of p.2 of the Packet) Step 1 Determining the Course Map Step 2 Determining the questions and the assessment Step 3 Building the content Step 4 Determining the strategies/ activities Step 5 More detail re assessment Mike's Stuff\UBD_5 Steps.doc 15AUSSIE Consultants Mike Staunton & Martin Wilson

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