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Convention Recap Welcome to Team WildFire’s Convention Recap! Please make sure you received a door prize ticket. A contribution of ($1 - $2) would be appreciated.

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Presentation on theme: "Convention Recap Welcome to Team WildFire’s Convention Recap! Please make sure you received a door prize ticket. A contribution of ($1 - $2) would be appreciated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Convention Recap Welcome to Team WildFire’s Convention Recap! Please make sure you received a door prize ticket. A contribution of ($1 - $2) would be appreciated towards the venue.

2 Personality Types – Connie Podesta  Why do personality types matter? Because connection = influence—and sales!  What type am I? Know your strengths and weaknesses.  Four shapes, four seconds

3 Square Strengths  Dependable and reliable  Make lists  Task-oriented  Get things done by themselves  Present clearly and quickly  Worked their way to leadership

4 Square Weaknesses  Think “I” not “team”  Need personal space (5ft.)  May have trouble connecting with others  May be seen as abrupt or “short”  View “fun” as unnecessary or a luxury  Not fond of change

5 Triangles Strengths  Perfectionists  Multi-taskers  Say what they think  Competitive, results-driven  Curious; ask many questions  Achieve leadership “right on time” with goals

6 Triangles Weaknesses  Have trouble accepting criticism  OCD  May be intimidating to others  May be easily distracted and have difficulty finishing a task  “Like to boss others around”

7 Circles Strengths  Want to make friends with everyone  Connect easily with new people  Life of the party/fun-loving  Love to hug/touch while conversing  Charmed their way into leadership  Caregivers/helpers

8 Circles Weaknesses  Have a hard time saying “no” (over-commit)  Try too hard to please others  Worry too much  May drive triangles crazy or make squares uncomfortable

9 Squiggles Strengths  Creative  High-energy  Flexible/spontaneous  Dance to the beat of their own drummer  Not sure how they achieved leadership role

10 Squiggles Weaknesses  Easily distracted  Struggle to follow through with projects  May speak/act without thinking

11 What if I can’t decide? Maybe…  The real YOU hasn’t emerged yet! (Should be vs. want to be)  We experience different phases throughout life—you may be in a transitory phase now  There is no personality test that can accurately determine every detail of who you are—we are all unique!

12 Selling the shapes  Sales is not just about selling products  Sales begin whenever you influence someone’s thought or ideas  We sell people the way we want to be sold to or influenced  How can we effectively sell to all shapes if we all are influenced differently?

13 How to sell a square  Go to them, meet at their office or home  They’re looking for you 10 mins early  Stay 5ft away, that’s their comfort zone  Small talk = useless. Just talk business.  They give you the high end of their budget  They make decisions immediately

14 How to sell a triangle  Can meet at your home, theirs, or a neutral location  Stay ~4ft away  Not a lot of touching  A little small talk is OK, but it has to be about THEM  They decide later, give them time to think about it  “Listen to what I asked and answer that”  Best shape to up-sell, they tell you the low end of their budget

15 How to sell a circle  Meet at Starbucks—they buy more when they’re around food  They usually are not morning people  They look for you 10 mins after—if you’re early, they feel awkward  “You must not be very successful or busy if you have 10 mins to sit around”  Require 10-20 mins of small talk first, this is your “interview”  If you sit or stand at a distance, they feel you don’t like them  They would pay more and drive further to buy from someone they like  They need to ask others’ opinions before buying

16 How to sell a squiggle  Meet at Starbucks, they snack throughout the day  Come early or late  More likely to buy from someone who’s funny, not grumpy!

17 How to sell any shape  Sales is about the customer being comfortable

18 How to tell what shape? Give people choices:  Your place or mine? Starbucks?  “I can bring you all the facts and figures and be out of your hair in 10 mins, or we can sit and talk and get to know each other”

19 Closing comments  You only need ONE thing. One God-given talent. Take that and run with it.  Be done with what others have said and done to you. We are responsible for our choices.  We view happiness upside-down—as a result. But happiness is really the CATALYST that gets you what you want. Happiness is your choice.

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