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Functions Test!. Quick recap Each question will appear for 20s and you must try to answer as many as you can… A translation of 5 units in the x direction.

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Presentation on theme: "Functions Test!. Quick recap Each question will appear for 20s and you must try to answer as many as you can… A translation of 5 units in the x direction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functions Test!

2 Quick recap Each question will appear for 20s and you must try to answer as many as you can… A translation of 5 units in the x direction means that you replace… f(x)-5 represents what transformation? y=(2x) 2 represents what transformation of y=x 2 What two transformations change y=3x+1 into y=- 3x+2? Why must you be careful if translating and stretching in the x direction? x with x-5 Translation 5 units down in y or -5 units in y Stretch scale factor 1 / 2 in the x direction Reflect in the x axis followed by translation of 1 unit in y The order matters and gives a different image.

3 Combined Transformations Know when order combined transformations is important Understand how to perform a combination of transformations where the same variable is replaced. Be able to show these combinations of transformations in function notation. How you can find out what pairs of transformations cause a function to change into another.

4 Notation You need to be able to interrupt combined transformations with function notations.

5 Notation You need to be able to interrupt combined transformations with function notations.

6 Notation You need to be able to interrupt combined transformations with function notations.

7 Dominoes time!

8 The order of combinations When doing combined transformations on the x and y variable, the order doesn’t matter. BUT if you do two transformations on the same variable, the order does matter!


10 Backwards You will need to be able to find transformations if given an image and what it was mapped from. e.g. What two transformations maps

11 Backwards You will need to be able to find transformations if given an image and what it was mapped from.

12 Have a go at Exam Qs

13 Independent Study Exercise C p49 (solution p169)

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