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Hauora Recap.

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1 Hauora Recap

2 Check out this link - Hauora / Well-being
What is the name of the building represented? Who has introduced the Hauora model into the NZ Health and PE Curriculum? (His name) Describe why the Hauora circles are interlinking.

To sensitise students to the fact that total health, involving the interrelationship of physical, mental and social health, depends to a large extent on a healthy, fit body. Introduction The human body adapted to its present form and to the environment by developing highly efficient systems of joints, bones, and muscles. Adequate levels of regular physical activity, exercises of or work serve to maximise the efficiency of such systems. Low levels of activity, on the other hand, results in a reduction in the capacity of ALL systems to perform at an optimal level. This phenomena is evidenced by the rising toll of “early onset degenerative disease” (as heart disease), decreased capacity for activities requiring good fitness levels, postural problems and psychological problems such as: poor self-concept, depression and stress.

The Prevention, delay or greater ability to withstand and recover from, cardiovascular illness and other degenerative diseases. Control of body weight and proportions. Relief of tension (stress). Improved posture and appearance. Prevention of low back pain. Delay of the aging process. Increased ability to meet emergencies requiring physical strength and endurance. Improved neuromuscular skill and physical performance

5 BENEFITS OF EXERCISE Improved functioning of the internal organs.
Better digestion and bowel movement. Stimulation of mental activity. Lower levels of fatigue and greater physical work capacity. Increased general feeling of health and well-being. Self concept, appearance. Social interaction. Are their other benefits of exercise? Name them Add extra slides if necessary.

6 A PERSONAL APPRAISAL Most people will not indulge or participate in exercise unless it has meaning and value for them. As mentioned earlier, either physical, social emotional benefits or a combination of these may serve as motivation for exercise. An individual’s attitude towards exercise may be dependent on factors such as the following: a. knowledge b. previous experience c. relative importance of the motivator. The purpose of analysing one’s lifestyle, is to provide a framework for assessing attitudes and activity lifestyles in relation to physical activity and exercise and see where you fit in terms of physical activity.

It must be noted that while people may have sufficient knowledge about the benefits of exercise, and score reasonably well on the personal appraisal, people still remain inactive. When asked why they do not exercise, the four main reasons were in order of importance: 1. Not enough time. 2. Get enough exercise at work. 3. Medical Reasons. 4. Age. Are these justifiable in terms of the benefits that may be derived from exercise? Which kinds of people are most likely to exercise? - Those who participated in school sports were most likely to exercise later on. What implications does this have for schools (especially for PE teachers and sports coaches)?

Brainstorm the negatives of exercising, using the 4 dimensions of Hauora to help you. e.g. The time it takes = impacts on the Social dimension because I have less time to spend with my friends and family...

9 Social Dimension

10 Physical Dimension

11 Spiritual Dimension

12 Mental & Emotional Dimension

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