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Los modismos Los apuntes de clase. Modismos are idiomatic expressions. (A certain pattern that may not have a direct translation to another language)

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1 Los modismos Los apuntes de clase

2 Modismos are idiomatic expressions. (A certain pattern that may not have a direct translation to another language)

3 1. “have to” To express the idea of “have to” – the following modismo “pattern” is used. (some form of) Tener + que + infinitivo We have to study for the quiz. Tenemos que estudiar para la prueba. Marco has to wash the dog on Saturday. Marco tiene que lavar el perro el sábado.

4 2. “going to do something” To express “going to do something” – the following modismo is used. (some form of) Ir + a + infinitivo They are going to dance on Friday. Van a bailar el viernes. I am going to travel to Spain in the summer. Voy a viajar a España en el verano.

5 3. “know how to do something” To express “know how to do something” – the following modismo is used. (some form of) saber + infinitivo I know how to swim well. Sé nadar bien. We know how to drive a car. Sabemos conducir un coche.

6 4. “just or have just” To express “just/have just” – the following modismo is used. (some form of) acabar + de + infinitivo We just took a test in history. (class) Acabamos de sufrir (tomar) un examen en la clase de historia. My cousins have just arrived from Spain. Mis primos acaban de llegar de España.

7 5. “feel like” To express “feel like” – the following modismo is used. (some form of) tener + ganas de + infinitivo Marta feels like dancing tonight. Marta tiene ganas de bailar esta noche. You all feel like running around the park. Tenéis ganas de correr alrededor del parque.

8 6. “action that began in the past and continues in the present” To express “action that began in the past and continues in the present” – the following modismo is used. Hace + time expression + que + pres. tense of verb + rest of the sentence We have been living in MV for 10 years. (It makes 10 years that we live in MV.) Hace 10 años que vivimos en MV. My arm has been hurting for 3 days. Hace 3 días que me duele el brazo.

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