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KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008

2 Today’s agenda  OpenURL recap – why? how?  Stakeholder overview – who does what  What is a knowledge base, and why it matters  Some examples of problems that occur  KBART – what? why? who? how? when?

3 OpenURL origins  Appropriate copy (“Harvard problem”)  Binary/hard-coded reference linking  Creation and standardisation of OpenURL

4 institution     repository publisher website database print collections gateways article citation article title = … first author = … journal name = … article title = … first author = … journal name = … metadata string OpenURL query (base URL + metadata string) base URL of link resolver link resolver’s knowledge base publisher/provider holdings data library holdings data content licence  target (cited) article predictable link

5 OpenURL query (base URL + metadata string)  Make their content OpenURL compliant by: –Creating outbound OpenURL links  Make their content KB compliant by: –Telling the knowledge base what content they have and how to link to it Which bits do publishers do? publisher/provider holdings data link resolver’s knowledge base  Together: link-resolver compliance

6 What bits do libraries do?  Have a link resolver! And register it with providers  Customise its knowledge base with their own holdings data institution base URL of link resolver library holdings data link resolver’s knowledge base

7 What does the link resolver do?  Takes an OpenURL and extracts the article metadata – 4-5679&volume=53&issue=3&page=14 4-5679&volume=53&issue=3&page=14  Compares article metadata to knowledge base –where is the article available? –which version is preferred by the library?  Puts together a predictable link to this version 4-5679&volume=53&issue=3&page=14 target (cited) article predictable link

8 Hang on. What is a knowledge base?  A database  Contains information about web resources –e.g. what journals are available in JSTOR –and how would you link to articles in them  Contains information about the resources a library has licensed/owns –may also include offline holdings

9 So why is it so important?  It knows where all the content is  It knows which versions the library is able to access  So – it’s the only place that can get a user to an “appropriate copy”

10 article citation query (base URL + metadata string) link resolver/ knowledge base target (cited) article publisher website database print collections gateways publisher/provider holdings data repository

11 Where the chain breaks  Wrong data –Publisher gives wrong metadata for title to the KB –Link resolver uses bad metadata to make link –Link does not resolve to correct target –Dead end 

12  Outdated data –Publisher said it has a particular issue –Link resolver links to an article from it –Issue has been removed –Dead end  –Or, provider doesn’t notify that issue is now live –So no traffic from link resolvers to that issue! Where the chain breaks That’s not good!

13  Knowledge Bases And Related Tools  UKSG and NISO collaborative project  To improve navigation of the e-resource supply chain by  Ensuring timely transfer of accurate data to knowledge bases, ERMs etc. Right. So. What is KBART?

14 Why was KBart established?  UKSG 2007 research report, “Link Resolvers and the Serials Supply Chain”Link Resolvers and the Serials Supply Chain –lack of awareness of OpenURL's capabilities –impacting the quality and timeliness of data provided to knowledge bases –undermining the potential of this sophisticated technology  NISO partnership to help reach US audience

15 Who’s in KBart?  Core working group chaired by me (Publishing Technology – Ingenta) and Serials Solutions’ Peter McCracken –Link resolver/ERM suppliers – Ex Libris, Openly/OCLC, SerialsSoln –Publishers – Taylor & Francis, Sage –Subscription agents/aggregators – Swets, EBSCO, Ingenta, Credo –Libraries – Edinburgh, Leicester, Cornell, Hanford Technical –Consortia – Claremont, CDL  Monitoring group –More of these plus other related groups e.g. NASIG

16 Guidelines Education Information hub What is KBart’s mission?

17 How are you going to do it? Terminology  Problems  Solutions  Advocacy

18 Terminology link resolver link-to syntax aggregatorappropriate copy content provider DOI embargo ERM federated search gateway knowledge base localisation metadata OPAC Open Access OpenURL SFX source target

19 Problems?

20 When are you going to finish?  This time next year  May go on to create a standard  Phase II e.g. non-text content

21 Questions?   Charlie Rapple (UKSG co-chair) –  Peter McCracken (NISO co-chair) –

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