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1 Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528 Název projektu: ICT ve výuce Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity: III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název ověřovaného materiálu: Digitální učební materiál pro výuku anglického jazyka VY_32_INOVACE_JAA_220 Ročník: 3. Vzdělávací obor:Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast: Gramatika pro 3. ročník Hotelové školy obor Hotelnictví Téma:Phrasal verbs used in Tourism Jméno autora:Ing. Zdeněk Brabec Vytvořeno dne:30.12.2012 Metodický popis, (anotace) Výukový materiál slouží k seznámení, procvičování, upevnění znalostí a komunikativní dovednosti specifické slovní zásoby a je doplněný o přiložený pracovní list, který žáci vypracovávají v hodině po shlédnutí prezentace.

2 2

3  Some of them are associated with motor vehicles or other means of transport such as:  GET IN(TO), GET OUT OF, GET ON, GET OFF, GO BY, FILL UP, RUN OUT OF, SET OFF or GET STUCK.  While travelling, the following words may be useful:  CHECK IN, FILL IN, FILL OUT, GO THROUGH, BREAK DOWN, TAKE OFF or GET AWAY.  Some verbs typically appear at the train stations:  CALL AT or GET IN 3

4  She got on the first train of the day and got off several hours and a hundred miles later.  GET ON / GET OFF can also be used with planes or ships.  They can get into a car and travel wherever they feel like. When you get out of your car, make sure you lock it.  GET IN(TO) and GET OUT (OF) are mainly used with cars or taxis.  He commutes to work, he always goes by bus.  GO BY is usually used with cars, buses, trains, boats or planes. 4

5  Fill up the tank of the car otherwise you will run out of petrol on your way to work. It is nearly empty. You can also fill up a spare can of petrol.  The car has broken down again. It is a piece of trash.  We should set off our journey before 7 a.m. otherwise we can get stuck in a traffic jam in Prague.  Slow down, there is a zebra crossing ahead of us. 5

6  The knowledge of the verbs such as FILL OUT, SWITCH OFF TAKE OFF or CHECK IN may be useful at the airport or the hotel reception.  First you have to go to the check-in desk to check in your luggage and then go through the passport control.  Before you get the key to your room, you must fill out the form with your names, numbers of passport and intended length of your stay.  The plane is taking off in a moment, please, fasten your seat belts and switch off any electronic devices.  6

7  A bit of training cannot do harm. So let’s go for it.  Select the most appropriate phrasal verb into the following sentences:  fill up - get by / in / off /on / out – leave for – run out of - take off  We …………. the bus and …………. a few stops later.  Before she ………………. the yellow taxi, she checked the prices printed on the door.  Look, the new Boeing Dreamliner is just ……………. My parents are …………………… the Dubai gold jewellery sale this weekend.  She never …………………. train, she prefers buses.  He often forgets to …………………. the car tank and ………………………… petrol on his way to work.  Before you ………………….. the journey across the Sahara, check all your supplies and quality of water. 7

8  Select the most appropriate phrasal verb into the following sentences:  Get stuck – call at - fill in – go through - switch off – get on.  If you do not ………………….. this form both truly and properly you will not be given a visa the USA.  The car is absolutely useless, it ………………… again.  Anytime I ………………… in a traffic jam I feel desperate.  You must …………………. your mobile phone after you board the plane.  You can’t ……………..….. the customs office with so much alcohol in your bag.  The train to Halfords is ………………. 17:30.  Do not ………………………. the old ship, it looks really unsafe. 8

9  POSSIBLE SOLUTION:  We got on the bus and got off a few stops later.  Before she got in the yellow taxi, she checked the prices printed on the door.  Look, the new Boeing Dreamliner is just taking off. My parents are leaving for the Dubai gold jewellery sale this weekend.  She never goes by train, she prefers buses.  He often forgets to fill up the car tank and runs out of petrol on his way to work.  Before you set off the journey across the Sahara, check all your supplies and quality of water.  If you do not fill in/up this form both truly and properly; you will not be given a visa the USA.  The car is absolutely useless, it has broken down again.  Anytime I get stuck in a traffic jam I feel desperate.  You must switch off your mobile phone after you board the plane.  You can’t go through the customs office with so much alcohol in your bag.  The train to Halfords is calling at 17:30.  Do not get on the old ship, it looks really unsafe. 9

10  REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF MATERIAL:  Sources:  Photo: Author  References:  MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, ISBN 05215377622.  THOMSON, A.J.; MARTINET, A.V.. A Practical English grammar - fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 – 19- 431348 – 4.  PROCTER, Paul E. a kol. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992, ISBN 0582842239.  SPENCER, David. Gateway B1+. England: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-41763- 2.  SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook - the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-438754-5.  SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 0-19-470225-1. 10

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