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Published byFelicia Blake Modified over 9 years ago
A lesson Plan: Greeting; Phonetic Drill; Oral Practice; Reading a text. Doing exercises; Results of a lesson. Marks. Reflection; Homework.
Task 1. Let’s have a phonetic drill.
[i] – emit, kill, distance, litter; [i:] – heat, peacefully, sleet, stream, creatures; [e] – petrol, help; [o] – oxygen,fog, technology, toxic; [ᴈ:] – Earth, burn, hurt, deserve; [ᴂ] – acid, gather, atmosphere, damage, land; [ei] – race, station, waste; [oi] – soil, poison; [ai] – wipe, recycle, environment, wildlife; [ou] – roam,solar, coal, smoke; [au] – amount, power, clouds; [ju:] – human, reduce, fume, new [ʃ ] – species, pollution, station First of all, listen to me very attentively; Now, please repeat after me; Please, read all together; Read in chain, please; ….read on your own please.
Task 2. Now let’s have an oral practice.
The Earth is a garden. It’s a beautiful place For all living creatures, For all the human race. Helping Mother Earth We can peacefully roam We all deserve a place We can call our home. First of all, listen to me very attentively. Now, please, repeat after me; Please, read it all together; Read in chain a line by line and translate the poem, please; …read on your own please.
Now, please look through the words, look at these pictures and try to guess what the theme of our lesson is.
The theme: Ecological Problems
уничтожать, истреблять plant species [ ‘pla:nt ‘spi:ʃiz] виды растений
Task 3. Now, let’s learn some new words. Let’s read them. Pay attention to the translation of the words. acid [‘ᴂsid] кислотный to burn petrol [‘bз:n ‘petrol] сжигать бензин power station [‘paʊə ‘steɪʃn] электростанция coal [‘koul] уголь emit [i’mit] выбрасывать, выделять toxic fumes [‘toksik ‘fju:mz] токсические выбросы polluted [pƏ’lu:tid] загрязненый gather [‘ɡæðə] собираться oxygen [‘ɒksɪdʒən] кислород atmosphere [‘ætməsfɪə] атмосфера land [lænd] приземляться fog [fog] туман soil [soil] почва sleet [sli:t] снег с дождем stream [stri:m] ручей wipe out [‘waip aut] уничтожать, истреблять plant species [ ‘pla:nt ‘spi:ʃiz] виды растений poison [‘poizon] отравлять damage [‘dæmɪdʒ] вред, урон reduce [rɪ’djuːs] уменьшать technology [ tek’nɒlədʒi] технология harmful [‘ha:mful] вредный, опасный environment [ɪn’vaɪrənmənt] окружающая среда amount [ ə’maʊnt] количество solar power [‘səʊlər ‘paʊə] солнечная энергия heat [hi:t] обогревать First of all, listen to me very attentively; Now, please, repeat after me; Read in chain, please;
Now, let’s have a rest. Please, stand up and do some exercises.
Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Hands up! To the sides! Bend left! Bend right! One, two, three…Hop! One, two, three…Stop! Stand still. Ok, thank you, sit down, please. Let’s continue our lesson.
Task 4. Now, we pass over to the text
Task 4. Now, we pass over to the text. Try to understand as much information as you can Please listen to the speaker and follow the recording; Now, please, read it altogether; Read the text in chain a sentence by sentence and translate the text, please; …read on your own, please.
Acid rain 1. The problem. The problem starts here. Cars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit toxic fumes. So, the air that we breathe becomes polluted. 2. The air pollution and acid rain. This pollution is gathered in clouds and with the oxygen and water in the atmosphere it becomes acid. The winds carry the polluted clouds across long distances, far away. When it rains, this pollution lands on trees, houses, buildings, cars, clothes, everywhere!!! This is called acid rain, but there is actually ‘acid fog’, ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’ in the same way! 3. Water and soil pollution. When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas, they become toxic. This is water pollution and it harms, kills or wipes out fish and plant species. When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons trees and plants. Acid rain also causes serious damage to important buildings and objects. 4. Good news. The good news is that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain. Some industries have been using new technologies for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful. But we need to do more! We can help reduce the amount of acid rain by using our cars less or by using solar power to heat our homes.
Task 4. Now, we pass over to the text
Task 4. Now, we pass over to the text. Try to understand as much information as you can Please listen to the speaker and follow the recording; Now, please, read it altogether; Read the text in chain a sentence by sentence and translate the text, please; …read on your own, please.
Task 5. Now, let’s do some exercises.
Fill in the gaps. Do it orally. Cars burn_____, factories and power stations burn _____and emit toxic fumes. This pollution is gathered in _____and with the oxygen and water in the ______it becomes acid. When ____rain falls into lakes, streams, ________, they become toxic. Acid rain also causes serious _____to important buildings and objects. The good news is that _____have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain. Some industries have been using new ______for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful. But we ____do more.
b) Complete the sentences. Do it orally.
So, the air that we breathe becomes______. The winds carry the polluted clouds across long distances,_____. This is called acid rain, but there is actually ‘acid fog’, ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’_______. This is water pollution and it harms, kills or wipes out fish and________. The good news is that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes________.
c) Find English equivalents. Do it orally.
Ветер перегоняет загрязненные облака на большие расстояния. Во время дождя такое загрязнение оседает на деревьях, домах, зданиях, машинах, одежде, везде. Это загрязнение воды и оно уничтожает, убивает разные виды рыб и растений. Кислотный дождь так же становится причиной серьезных разрушений важных зданий и объектов. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что правительство пытается уменьшить загрязнение воздуха, которое становится причиной кислотных дождей.
d) Say true or false. Do it orally.
Cars burn oil, factories and power stations burn smoke and emit toxic fumes. This is called acid rain, but there isn’t actually ‘acid fog’, ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’ in the same way! When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons clouds. Some industries have been using new technologies for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful. We can’t help reduce the amount of acid rain by using our cars less or by using solar power to heat our homes.
e) Answer the following questions. Do it in the written form.
What ecological problems do you know? What is acid rain? What kind of damage does acid rain cause? What are governments doing to avoid acid rain? What can we do to save our planet?
Task. 6. Solve puzzle. Find the words on the theme of ecological problems.
x i c f u m e s a d r y p l k j h g n b q v z
HOMEWORK Collect information about what we can do to solve the problem of acid rain and make up a short report about it. Be ready to present it to the class.
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