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NAAC/CMA DVD Available

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1 NAAC/CMA DVD Available
Tony Myhra - (800) NAAC/CMA DVD Available

2 Deicing Chemicals Available
Sodium chloride Magnesium chloride Calcium chloride Potassium chloride Combinations of all of the above Some with inhibitors packages Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Potassium acetate (CF7) Anhydrous sodium acetate (NAAC)

3 Sodium Chloride NaCl Eutectic temperature - -6°F (-21°C)
Working temperature °F (-7°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-21°C) Granular - Solid crystal in form Can be liquefied to a 23% solution Rate of application – #/LM Can be mixed with abrasives Most common deicer

4 Magnesium Chloride MgCl2
Working temperature - + 5°F (-15°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-33°C) Granular – hydroscopic Liquid to a 25% - 35% solution Rate of liquid application – GAL/LM Deice – anti ice - prewet Aggressive corrosion Requires periodic agitation weekly or daily

5 Calcium Chloride CaCl2 Working temperature - -25°F (-31°C)
Eutectic temperature °F (-45°C) Pellet, flake, granular - hydroscopic Liquid to a 25% - 35% solution Rate of liquid application– GAL/LM Deice – anti-ice – pre wet Requires daily agitation Aggressive Corrosion Hard on leather shoes and gloves

6 Potassium Chloride KCl
Working temperature - +25°F (-4°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-15°C) Solid crystal in form Rate slightly higher than NaCl Deicer– mostly commercial use

7 Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA)
Working temperature °F (-7°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-28°C) Pelleted - Liquid to a 25% - 30% sol Rate of liquid application – anti-icing GAL/LM –Deice – GAL/LM (.5-1 gallon/1000 Ft²) Rate dry – # LANE MILE (10-25#/1000 FT²) Deice – Anti-ice – Pre wet sensitive areas Agitation of liquid prior to loading Contains no chlorides Safest deicer for new concrete

8 CMA 40 Eutectic temperature - -8°F (-22°C)
Working temperature °F (-7°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-22°C) 40% CMA – 60% Sodium Chloride Spread – Same as rock salt - 200# - 500# LANE MILE Used to prevent spalling Used only where there is no steel in reinforced concrete. Lower cost deicer.

9 Anhydrous Sodium Acetate (NAAC)
Working temperature - + 0°F (-18°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-22°C) Pelleted only Spread – 200# - 500# LANE MILE 7-20# per 1000 Ft² Deicer – contains no chloride Used in salt sensitive areas – airport runways, bridges, parking garages, doorways, sidewalks, etc.

10 Potassium Acetate Based (KAC) CF7
Working temperature °F (-32°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-60°C) Liquid – 50% solution Rate of liquid application – 15-3O GAL/LM .5 to 1 gallon per 1000 Ft². Deice – anti-ice – pre wet No agitation – indefinite storage life Contains no chloride Ideal for Fixed Anti-icing Spray Technology (FAST)

11 Hidden Costs of Deicing
Cost of salt Purchase price Storage Labor Equipment Corrosion to structures and vehicles Cost of sand Purchase price Storage Labor Equipment Clean up Lawsuits

12 Water quality Accidents Delays Lost business Lost production
Other Hidden Costs Cost to public if we don’t deice. Accidents Delays Lost business Lost production Environmental concerns Water quality Chlorides Damage to vegetation and soils Air quality PM10 Sand siltration

13 Federal Highway Administration
Search for chloride salt alternatives Environment Performance Low Corrosion

14 CMA, NAAC & CF7 The Problem Solvers

15 Chemical formula…CH3COO- Low corrosion Low toxicity Biodegradable
Acetate Ion Chemical formula…CH3COO- Low corrosion Low toxicity Biodegradable Long lasting effect

16 Raw Material for Acetates
Acetic Acid Acetate ion Found in vinegar pH changed when reacted base materials Biodegradable

17 Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Ca3Mg7(CH3COO)20
Acetate Deicers Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Ca3Mg7(CH3COO)20 Potassium acetate (KAc) CH3COOK Anhydrous sodium acetate (NaAc) CH3OONa

18 Calcium Magnesium Acetate
Dolomitic lime + acetic acid yields Ca3Mg7(C2H3O2)20

19 Calcium Magnesium Acetate
Since 1979 Environmentally safe Low corrosion Safe for concrete Effective performance Residual effect Stores well Biodegradable Low toxicity Costs more to make!

20 Cryotech NAAC Solid Runway Deicer
97% Anhydrous Sodium Acetate + <1% corrosion inhibitors CH3COO- + Na+

21 97% Anhydrous Sodium Acetate
Since 1997 Environmentally safe Low corrosion Effective performance Approved for airports Residual effect Stores well Biodegradable Low toxicity Costs more to make!

22 CF7 Liquid Deicer Potassium Acetate-Based
Acetic Acid + Potassium Hydroxide yields Potassium Acetate + Water (plus proprietary corrosion Inhibitors) HC2H3O2 + KOH => KC2H3O2 + H2O

23 Problem Solver Environment Anti-icing and Deicing
New bridges, Chloride Contaminated bridges Sidewalks, Doorways & Parking Structures Blending/Inhibitor Fixed anti-icing spray technology (F.A.S.T.)

24 Understanding Deicers
Must know how to use deicers Effectively and how they work.

25 What Is Anti-Icing? Anti-icing is a snow and ice control measure to prevent a strong bond between frozen precipitation or frost and a pavement surface by timely application of a chemical freezing point depressant. Proactive approach.

26 Anti-icing Expectations
Snow more easily removed Ice may not form or remain slushy Lower chemical usage Shoveling, plowing, brooming required Lower equipment maintenance costs

27 What Is De-Icing? De-icing is an measure where a deicer is applied to the top of an accumulation of snow, ice or frost that is already bonded or formed to the pavement surface. Reactive approach.

28 Using the right equipment For effective snow & ice control

29 New Bridges, Parking Garages, Elevated Walkways
CMA/NAAC/CF7 – “The problem solver”

30 FHWA - CMA Study Conclusions
Concrete w/o rebar Little weight loss or spalling Concrete with rebar No damage 4 Year study Non-metallics Little affect CMA – “The problem solver”

31 Costs of Using Chloride Based Deicers
Cost of new construction - $20,000-$24,000/Space Cost to repair chloride damage $3000-$4000/space Cost of lost revenue while out of service? Cost of inconvenience to customers. Cost of demolition Cost of liability and insurability Can’t afford chloride deicers damage from $50/space of salt over a 20 year period

32 CMA Effect on Chloride Contaminated Concrete
The Danish corrosion centre, 1990 “CMA…seems to delay the onset of corrosion.” BP research centre, 1989 “Changing…to acetate deicer decreases the corrosion rate of steel…by more than a factor of ten.”

33 Corrosion Retardation

34 Effect of Deicers on Concrete Spalling of Non Air-Entrained Structural Concrete
Dept of Transport, UK, 1993

35 Concrete Spalling

36 Acetate Deicers Summary of Options
Direct application With chloride deicers With sand Liquid deicer Liquid anti-icer Liquid pre wetter

37 Cargill SafeLane™ Polymer Overlay – Product Profile
SafeLane Surface 3/8” Thickness 4 lbs./ft2 Concrete – 12.5 lbs/sf per inch thick Asphalt – 14 lbs/sf per inch thickness Existing substrate SafeLane can be installed on concrete, asphalt, FRP, steel or wood Concrete – 12.5 lbs/sf per inch; Asphalt – 14 lbs/sf per inch 37

38 Deicing Chemicals Review
Sodium chloride Magnesium chloride Calcium chloride Potassium chloride Combinations of all of the above Some with inhibitors packages Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Potassium acetate (CF7) Anhydrous sodium acetate (NAAC)

39 Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA)
Working temperature °F (-7°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-28°C) Pelleted - Liquid to a 25% - 30% sol Rate of liquid application – anti-icing GAL/LM – Deice – GAL/LM Rate dry – # Lane Mile (10-25#/1000 Ft²) Deice – Anti-ice – Pre wet sensitive areas Agitation of liquid prior to loading liquid. Contains no chlorides Safest deicer for new concrete

40 CMA 40 Eutectic temperature - -8°F (-22°C)
Working temperature °F (-7°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-22°C) 40% CMA – 60% Sodium Chloride Spread – 200#-500# LANE MILE (10-25#/1000 Ft²) Used to prevent spalling Used only where there is no steel in reinforced concrete. Lower cost deicer.

41 Anhydrous Sodium Acetate (NAAC)
Working temperature - + 0°F (-18°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-22°C) Pelleted only Spread – 200#-500#/Lane Mile (7-20#/1000 Ft²) Deicer – contains no chloride Used in salt sensitive areas – airport runways, bridges, parking garages, doorways, sidewalks, etc.

42 Potassium Acetate Based (KAC) CF7
Working temperature °F (-32°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-60°C) Liquid – 50% solution Rate of liquid application – 15-3O GAL/LM .5 – 1 gallon per 1000 Ft² Deice – anti-ice – pre wet No agitation – indefinite storage life Contains no chloride Ideal for Fixed Anti-icing Spray Technology (FAST)

43 Potassium Acetate Based (KAC) CF7
Working temperature °F (-32°C) Eutectic temperature °F (-60°C) Liquid – 50% solution Rate of liquid application – 15-3O GAL/LM .5 – 1 gallon per 1000 Ft² Deice – anti-ice – pre wet No agitation – indefinite storage life Contains no chloride Ideal for Fixed Anti-icing Spray Technology (FAST)

44 Acetate Deicers Summary of Options
Direct application With chloride deicers With sand Liquid deicer Liquid anti-icer Liquid pre wetter

45 Options for Parking Garage Longevity
Good Design Good Construction Materials Good Drainage Good Sealers/Membranes - Waterproofing Continuous Maintenance Practices Avoid Chloride Deicers Use Non-Chloride Deicers like NAAC, CMA & CF7

46 NAAC/CMA DVD Available
Questions? Tony Myhra - (800) NAAC/CMA DVD Available

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