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Seven Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.

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1 Seven Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service

2 Blood Pressure Goals Less than 140/90 Less than 140/90 Less than 130/80 if Less than 130/80 if have diabetes Ideally 120/80 or less Ideally 120/80 or less Lifestyle Changes Lifestyle Changes when over 135/85

3 The Magnificent Seven DASH Diet DASH Diet Less Sodium Less Sodium Activity Activity Weight Loss Weight Loss No smoking No smoking Little alcohol Little alcohol Medication Medication

4 D.A.S.H. Diet Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension Multi-center research project Multi-center research project First trial - no sodium restriction First trial - no sodium restriction Second trial - sodium restriction Second trial - sodium restriction

5 DASH Diet Slowly increase intake of fruits and vegetables to 8 or more per day Slowly increase intake of fruits and vegetables to 8 or more per day Three servings of low fat and non-fat dairy products a day Three servings of low fat and non-fat dairy products a day Nuts, seeds and dried beans 4-5 times per week Nuts, seeds and dried beans 4-5 times per week

6 DASH Diet continues... More whole grain cereals and breads 6 ounces or less of meat, fish or poultry per day Small amounts of liquid or soft margarine or oil

7 Eat Less Sodium DASH more effective if also lowered sodium DASH more effective if also lowered sodium Less than 2400 milligrams per day Less than 2400 milligrams per day Will get use to less salt in 2-3 weeks Will get use to less salt in 2-3 weeks

8 Ways to Cut Sodium Remove salt shaker Remove salt shaker Add little if any salt to cooking Add little if any salt to cooking Season with lemon or wine Season with lemon or wine Use unsalted canned or frozen vegetables Use unsalted canned or frozen vegetables Use ¼ teaspoon dried herb or spice or ¾ cup fresh herb to dish serving 4 Prepare soups and stews ahead without salt and let flavors blend

9 Most Sodium is Hidden Most convenience foods and restaurant foods are very high in sodium Eat out less often

10 Using the Food Label to Cut Sodium Sodium is a chemical that makes up ½ of table salt Sodium is a chemical that makes up ½ of table salt Limit to 2400 milligrams per day Limit to 2400 milligrams per day Look for “low sodium” or “salt free” – watch “reduced sodium” Look for “low sodium” or “salt free” – watch “reduced sodium” Choose more foods with Daily Value less than 10% Balance higher sodium foods with lower sodium foods

11 Get More Active 30 minutes at least 5 days a week 30 minutes at least 5 days a week Can divide into 10-15 minute periods Can divide into 10-15 minute periods Work up gradually Work up gradually

12 Moderate Activity brisk walking brisk walking house cleaning house cleaning lawn care lawn care gardening gardening swimming cycling walking a golf course racket sports dancing

13 Lose Weight if Overweight If follow DASH diet and increase activity, weight loss should occur gradually Even 10 pounds can make a big difference!

14 Don’t Smoke!

15 Limit alcohol One drink or less per day One drink or less per day  12 ounce beer  5 ounces of wine  1 ½ ounces of liquor

16 Take Your Blood Pressure Medicine if Prescribed Don’t stop or reduce without doctor’s OK Report any side effects right away May need to try another kind if causing problems

17 In Summary Make a “Dash” to more – Make a “Dash” to more –  fruits and vegetables  whole grains and breads  non-fat and low fat dairy foods  nuts, seeds and beans

18 Limit Your Intake of - Alcohol Alcohol High fat foods High fat foods High sodium foods High sodium foods

19 Try to - Not Smoke Control Your Weight Be Active Take Your Medicine

20 Developed by Connie Crawley, MS, RD, LD The University of Georgia Extension Service Nutrition and Health Specialist

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