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Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited.

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Presentation on theme: "Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Peter Goodwin, Accelerate Nottingham Extending Access Beyond the Campus

2 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Accelerate Nottingham-Membership Councils - City and County Community: Notts Council for Voluntary Services Education: University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, New College Nottingham Business: Business Link, Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, BT and LSC Public Sector: Emda, GNP Police, NHS

3 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Accelerate Nottingham Look for areas of activity where partners can collaborate Identify strategic projects which benefit the city as a whole Deliver leading edge projects on behalf of partners Identify sources of funding and bid on behalf of partners Disseminate best practise Act as “thought leader” for partners

4 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Accelerate Nottingham Look for areas of activity where partners can collaborate Identify strategic projects which benefit the city as a whole Deliver leading edge projects on behalf of partners Identify sources of funding and bid on behalf of partners Disseminate best practise Act as “thought leader” for partners

5 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Off Campus Hotspots Both Universities engaged with our project 50 on campus hotspots 35 off campus hotspots Others - Market Sq - Main bus station - Railway station

6 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Why do it? Students don’t just stay on campus and in halls! “Selling point” for the university and local area Allows campus to interact with local businesses An opportunity to engage with wider partners, who else can benefit from the network? Launch pad for wider wireless initiatives

7 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Off Campus Hotspots Key elements It takes time to set up the network and needs to be co-ordinated with the academic year All partnership arrangements and funding arrangements will be different in each city Engage with students and use partners to drive up usage

8 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Michael Beatty, Telegeneration Ltd Extending Access Beyond the Campus

9 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Sociable, Spontaneous, Simple Internet Access Wireless Internet access at home, work and in places where people meet socially. New life-style based on personal computing devices (lap-tops, PDA’s, games machines) used in shared environments. Inclusive: membership that is affordable for everyone. Universities are key shapers of this new environment.

10 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. What is TeleGeneration’s Role? To assist universities in spreading internet availability and skills beyond the campus and across the city To enable universities to use WiFi as a means of building inclusive relationships beyond the campus. To install and operate fully integrated WiFi services for university students, staff and visitors on and off campus To provide internet access across the city that is affordable and available for everyone to use.

11 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Affordable WiFi for Everyone Typically £2 per year per student for unlimited access in the city Vouchers for official visitors JANET roaming on-campus for academic visitors £5 per week on-line payment for commercial access on or off campus

12 Extending Access Beyond the Campus:Toshiba HE Forum, Nottingham University, 27 th June 2006 Accelerate Nottingham in partnership with TeleGeneration Limited. Technology Dual hubs in Manchester and Nottingham Universities Continuous development of service features with universities and industry partners. Centrally authenticated and managed ADSL service for city hotspots Seamless integration of on-campus service over LAN and off-campus WAN based access. Award winning service in partnership with UCLAN and Preston city council.

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