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UALL Annual Conference 2015 Dr. Paula Nottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "UALL Annual Conference 2015 Dr. Paula Nottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 UALL Annual Conference 2015 Dr. Paula Nottingham

2 Evaluating the Efficacy of Professional Artefacts

3 The BA Honours Professional Practice in Arts – Blended Approach Thinking about digital literacy and using social media are at the centre of the work-based learning programme (extension year Level 6 inc. APEL route).

4 The process for the professional inquiry - exemplar visuals

5 The process – exemplar visuals – the messy one

6 Research into ‘professional artefacts’ for capstone projects What are artefacts? How do we use them? Transformational learning (Mezirow) PREVIOUS ARTICLE INTRODUCING PROFESSIONAL ARTEFACTS… Or Emerald Journal Nottingham, Paula and Akinleye, Adesola (2014) Professional artefacts: embodying ideas in work-based learning, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Vol. 4 Iss: 1, pp. 98 – 108.

7 Research aims – new project The research project aims to: This research is trying to find out about how individuals negotiate their online identities, both personal and professional, while undertaking their studies on BAPP Arts. the significance of professional artefacts in regards to the communicating the professional inquiry undertaken how professional artefacts are perceived to be operating by learners on the BAPP Arts programme during and after their studies as a follow-up to this initial research how professional artefacts act to embody workplace and peer learning looking at other work-based practice as a follow-up to this initial research, developing an understanding of how the professional artefact can be evaluated as a ‘capstone project’ (Healey et al., 2013) It is hoped that the research will enhance understanding of the role the professional artefacts have for those undertaking professional practice/work-based studies.

8 On-going research  Sample of 10-20  Range of ages  Mixed gender  Content analysis and interviews  Ethics Permission - yes  Invitation to participate sent out – responses positive  Criteria – purposive What would other learners and academic practitioners like to hear about? What would other learners and academic practitioners like to hear about?

9 Ryan and Tilbury quote from Flexible Pedagogies: new pedagogical ideas (2013, p. 5) …The review process identified the following ‘new pedagogical ideas’ for the future of an increasingly ‘flexible’ HE which offer new pathways for graduate attributes or capabilities:  learner empowerment – actively involving students in learning development and processes of ‘co-creation’ that challenge learning relationships and the power frames that underpin them, as part of the revitalisation of the academic project itself;  future-facing education – refocusing learning towards engagement and change processes that help people to consider prospects and hopes for the future across the globe and to anticipate, rethink and work towards alternative and preferred future scenarios;  decolonising education – deconstructing dominant pedagogical frames that promote only Western worldviews, to create experiences that extend inter-cultural understanding in the HE system and the ability to think and work using globally- sensitive frames and methods;

10 Ryan and Tilbury, 2014, p. 5 continued  transformative capabilities – creating an educational focus beyond an emphasis solely on knowledge and understanding, towards agency and competence, using pedagogies guided by engaged, ‘whole-person’ and transformative approaches to learning;  crossing boundaries – taking an integrative and systemic approach to pedagogy in HE, to generate inter-disciplinary, inter- professional and cross- sectoral learning, to maximise collaboration and shared perspective, while tackling bias and differences of perspective;  social learning – developing cultures and environments for learning that harness the emancipatory power of spaces and interactions outside the formal curriculum, particularly through the use of new technologies and co-curricular activities.

11 Examples of Artefacts (in public domain) © © © © ©

12 Blog evidence (in public domain) © © © ©

13 Blog evidence (in public domain) © © © ©

14 Indicative Bibliography Barnett, R. (2014) Conditions of Flexibility Securing a more responsive higher education system, York: The Higher Education Academy. Healey, Mick, Lannin, Laura, Stibbe, Arran and Derounian, James (2013) Developing and enhancing undergraduate final-year projects and dissertations, the Higher Education Academy. Jackson, Sue (2011) Introduction, in Jackson, Sue (ed.) Innovations in Lifelong Learning, London: Routledge. Jarvis, Peter, Holford, John, Griffin, Colin (1998) The Theory and Practice of Learning, London Kogan Page. Nottingham, Paula and Akinleye, Adesola, (2014) "Professional artefacts: embodying ideas in work- based learning", Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Vol. 4 Iss: 1, pp. 98 – 108. Ryan, Alex and Tilbury, Daniella (2013) Flexible Pedagogies: new pedagogical ideas, York: The Higher Education Academy.

15 Contact Details 07799033978 Thank you. Graduates BAPP Arts Colleagues and past colleagues on BAPP Arts + the wider community

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