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LANDSCAPES CLIL PROJECT ARTS & CRAFTS YEAR 6 PGC TCTFL Nottingham 2008 CEIP Isaac Peral Isabel Palomares.

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1 LANDSCAPES CLIL PROJECT ARTS & CRAFTS YEAR 6 PGC TCTFL Nottingham 2008 CEIP Isaac Peral Isabel Palomares

2 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares TERRASSA 30 km. West from Barcelona 200,000 inhabitants University campus Services Industrial and architectural heritage City of reference for jazz, grass hockey and human towers

3 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares Catchment area Quite near to the city centre. Middle and lower middle class families. 35% immigrants.

4 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares CEIP ISAAC PERAL Building recently renewed. Infant and Primary school. One form entry school. English and Mediation projects.

5 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares Innovation project 2005-2008 English from 4 years old. CLIL in Primary: Arts and Crafts. Other features: English corner library, 1 teacher speaking only in English. The status of CLIL 1,5 hours a week. One teacher at years 1,2,3,5 and 6 and the other at year 4 (in a different course of her tutorship).

6 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares The module for Arts and Crafts year 6 Module of 30 hours: Colour, space and form. Unit of space,10 hours: “Landscapes” 1. Describing pictures. 2. Exploring the depth. 3. Drawing in perspective. 4. Exploring the colour. 5. Painting landscapes.

7 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares


9 EXPLORING THE DEPTH Make a viewfinder: -Hold a piece of card board horizontally and fold it in half. -Use the pencil to trace a big square in the middle of the fold. -Cut out the square and unfold the card board. Landscape tour: Let’s pretend to take pictures outside the class, in the playground. In pairs experiment with your viewfinders and make a sketch in the paper of the view that you choose.

10 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares A walk through the art history Can you see the horizon lines? Do you find any elements not in proportion? Which ones? What elements in the pictures look deeper? Can you say why?

11 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares

12 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares Conclusions To share the CLIL approach with my colleague of English. To explain CLIL to the teaching staff. To create units and materials from years 1 to 4.

13 PGC TCTFL University of Nottingham 2008Landscapes - Isabel Palomares

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