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Experiences in Training Future Leaders for the Energy Sector Anup B. Patel 1 *, Colin E. Snape 1#, Helen Turner 2†, Donna Palmer 1 ** and Nicola Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences in Training Future Leaders for the Energy Sector Anup B. Patel 1 *, Colin E. Snape 1#, Helen Turner 2†, Donna Palmer 1 ** and Nicola Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences in Training Future Leaders for the Energy Sector Anup B. Patel 1 *, Colin E. Snape 1#, Helen Turner 2†, Donna Palmer 1 ** and Nicola Smith 3 1 University of Nottingham, Faculty of Engineering, The Energy Technologies Building, Innovation Park, Jubilee Campus, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG7 2TU, UK *Manager and # Director, EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in CCS and Cleaner Fossil Energy, 2 Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK † Director, Midlands Energy Consortium,**Manager of the Energy CDT Network, 3 University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK, Energy CDT Network 2nd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training, 30 – 31 March 2015

2 Scope  Development of training programme for the Centre for Doctoral Training in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Cleaner Fossil Energy  Midlands Energy Graduate School, opening CDT opportunities to non-CDT students.  The UK Energy CDT Network, sharing best practice and arranging events nationally.  The CDT model for building joint international doctoral training. Programmes, the International Doctoral Innovation Centre at the University of Nottingham’s Ningbo China campus as an example.

3 EPSRC Engineering Doctorate Centre in Efficient Power from Fossil Energy and Carbon Capture Technologies (2009-2013 intakes) EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in CCS and Cleaner Fossil Energy (2014-2018 intakes, industrial doctorate centre) The two Centres are essential to the UK for producing the highly trained personnel for implementing cleaner fossil energy technologies with CCS.  £9M EPSRC and £5M industry funding.  Over 100 doctoral students across the 2 Centres  Over 25 industrial partners  UK focal point for training in the filed, links strongly to UK CCS Research Centre and allied to many EPSRC projects.  Extensive international links, summer schools Core Disciplines Chemical Engineering Chemistry Physics Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Materials Mathematics

4 Partners in the CDT to provide internationally recognised capability across the whole CCS and fossil energy spectrum

5 Industrial Doctoral Centres have a partner for Sponsors for Each Project

6 The Advanced Skills Gap Conventional Power Gap  Commonality between our ageing coal-fired power stations and the R&D work force in the power sector!  How do we develop and bring on new leaders quickly with the drive to more efficient fossil energy and the UK being in the vanguard for global CCS deployment?  What is the most appropriate form of PhD training to do this? Over 40 years old and being forced to retire by emissions legislation

7 Training Vision, Strategy and Structure  The vision is to deliver research leaders and next-generation innovators with broad economic, societal and contextual awareness, having strong technical skills, capable of operating in multi-disciplinary teams covering a range of knowledge transfer, deployment and policy roles.  The training is designed to able students to analyse the overall economic context of projects and be aware of their social and ethical implications.  The programme has been designed in collaboration with our industrial partners to ensure its relevance to the UK to tackle the challenges in implementing technologies to reduce CO 2 emissions.  Taught modules, flexible delivery by e- and distance-learning, some as concentrated blocks to support cohort building, together with winter and summer school activities and builds upon the experience gained with the earlier CDT.

8 Distinctive Features of Industrial Doctorate Centres  Students engaged fully with industrial partners  Four year job interview, many doctorates join their sponsoring companies  Well-resourced projects with industrial cash contributions of typically £30-50k per project.  Ability to offer enhanced stipends to attract best students.  Ideally suited for power, generation oil/gas and equipment manufacturing sectors  PhD requirement is still the same requiring an originalbody of research. David Willetts "The Government recognises that the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) qualification is an important and distinctive part of the UK’s postgraduate landscape”.

9 Training Programme for the New Centre  Deliberately spread over 2 years to enable research to commence in the first year.  Block modules in year 2 when many EngDs are based at companies.  Winter conferences cement vertical integration and peer to peer learning between cohorts and EngDs working on related topics.

10 Training modules are largely non-technical covering social economic/business and policy aspects  Power Generation and CCS  Energy Systems and Policy  Teamwork and Leadership  Entrepreneurship  Communication & public engagement  Pilot-scale Facilities Training  Industrial Mini-project  Research and Professional Skills  Industrial Case Studies  Electives, some technical

11 Lessons Learned from the First Centre  Positive feedback with the doctoral students buying into the aim of the training programme, enjoying non-technical focus.  Industrial partners prefer immediate engagement - introduced an “industrial mini-project” in the first semester  to describe a challenge facing the company.  not related to the research project  Involves the students meeting a number of personnel to gather information  Given public engagement more prominence with a module on communication.  Introduced Winter Schools to provide greater contact between cohorts.  Close alignment to meeting the aspirations of future researchers (EPSRC Delivery Plan) and the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF).

12 Public Engagement  Schools events and University Mayfest (open day)  Instruction in P.E. added to running events

13 International Summer School 2014 Pusan National University, Korea  Focus on Far East – China, India and Korea –due to the scale of developments.  Involves Group work with PhDs from host organisation, with visits and keynote presentations

14 International Summer School 2013 Flexible approach, joint event at Nottingham with IEA Greenhouse Gases SS with 80 participants

15 Using the CDT Model to Grow Collaborative PhD Training Internationally  Industrial Doctorate Innovation Centre (IDIC) established at Nottingham’s Ningbo campus in China.  Funded by Ningbo Government, China MOST and industrial partners, £15M.  120 PhDs across energy and the digital economy.  Same training programme as the CDTs.  One year at Nottingham and 3 years at Ningbo.  2 plus 2 models being considered for other international joint centres.

16 Midlands Energy Graduate School (MEGS) Over 300 student members – Birmingham, Loughborough and Nottingham MEGS provides a mechanism to share some of the benefits of the CDT experience with non-CDT students:  The cohort experience and wider networking  Access to taught modules  Practice in presenting posters and talks  Annual conferences on a cross-cutting theme 2011Risk and Uncertainty in Energy 2012 Energy Systems 2013Public engagement “MEGS enables me to mix with other researchers in different energy disciplines and explore other areas and concepts.” “The best thing about MEGS is the support for early level researchers and the provision of an excellent forum to disseminate research.”

17  Unites EPSRC funded Centres for Doctoral Training in Energy  Represented over £60m of UK government investment (2009)  ‘Our mission is to provide an environment for leaders in UK energy research and training to share expertise, stimulate collaboration and develop the personnel who will transform the future of energy’  Facilitates activities that are difficult for individual centres to achieve

18 Policy and Parliamentary Engagement  Network membership for 2 parliamentary energy groups; meetings attended by network researchers  Represented at Party Political Conferences  Work with the Parliamentary Outreach Team for Communication & Public Engagement

19 Public Engagement -National Level across CDTs The Green Man Music Festival Researchers appear on Blue Peter BBC Energy Day The British Library TalkScience Debate

20 Business and Enterprise: Energy YES  Business plan competition for energy researchers  Designed to raise awareness of commercialisation  Teams develop business plan for an idea  3 day workshop includes presentations and mentoring from business and industry  Teams from 10 Energy CDTs entered 2014 competition

21 Regular Communication with Stakeholders Essential (CDT, MEGS & Energy Network) Twitter: Facebook LinkedIn: cfe/a5/a60/523

22 Dr. Anup Patel anup.patel@ 0115 84 67144 http://www.efetedc. Further Information on the CDT in CCS and cleaner fossil energy and the training programme Acknowledge financial support from EPSRC for the CDTs: EP/G037345/1 (2009-2018) Engineering Doctorate Centre in Efficient Power from Fossil Energy and Carbon Capture Technologies, EP/L016362/1 (2014-2023) Centre for Doctoral Training in CCS and Cleaner Fossil Energy

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