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The Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment Framework 2014 2015 Let’s Agree: How well Nottingham City is working? “Validation” Search...

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Presentation on theme: "The Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment Framework 2014 2015 Let’s Agree: How well Nottingham City is working? “Validation” Search..."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment Framework 2014 2015 Let’s Agree: How well Nottingham City is working? “Validation” Search...

2 What’s it all about? The Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment Framework helps Nottingham City check that people with learning disabilities and their families: Get the same life chances as other people such as having a job or being safe where they live. Get good access to health services to stop them becoming unwell when this could have been stopped.

3 Checking that people are… Staying Healthy- This includes getting a good service from the doctors, chemist, dentists, hospital and more. Being Safe- This is about being safe in lots of different places such as in your home, whilst in hospital or out and about on the bus. Living Well- This about making sure people are part of the what happens in their area such as festivals or going to the cinema.

4 Staying Healthy How well is Nottingham helping you to Stay Healthy? Overall Amber 34 2 Staying Healthy- This includes getting a good service from the doctors, chemist, dentists, hospital and more.

5 Being Safe How well is Nottingham helping you to Be Safe? Overall Green 62 1 Being Safe- This is about being safe in lots of different places such as in your home, whilst in hospital or out and about on the bus.

6 Living Well How well is Nottingham helping you to Live Well? Overall Green 51 Living Well- This about making sure people are part of the what happens in their area such as festivals or going to the cinema.

7 Let’s Agree The BIG SCORE “How well is Nottingham doing?” Staying Healthy Being Safe Living Well

8 C7: People and families get involved in planning services and making decisions Red- People and families do not have a say about any services Amber- People and families are involved in planning and making decisions about services for people with learning disabilities and their families. Green- People and families are involved in planning and making decisions about services. This includes services for people with learning disabilities and their families and ordinary services such as the local leisure centre or bus station. Commissioners really listen to what people say

9 THE BIG SCORE “Nottingham is.........” Staying Healthy Being Safe Living Well VALIDATION

10 What will happen Next? The BIG Score! The Improving Health and Lives team will look at all the answers we send in. They will then give Nottingham one big score of either: Red Amber Green This will let Nottingham’s Health and Wellbeing Board know how they we are doing.

11 Thank You For Your Time

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