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Routes Into Languages Nicola Lumb School and College Services University of Leicester.

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1 Routes Into Languages Nicola Lumb School and College Services University of Leicester

2 Objectives  Promote increased take-up in learning languages and associated cultures in secondary and higher education, including the learning of a diverse range of languages.  Promote increased take-up of work and study abroad in language degrees and in other subjects, especially encouraging students to spend a year abroad during their studies.  Promote greater national capacity in those areas of employment that require proficiency in languages and intercultural competence, including careers where cultural mediation is a key asset, as well as careers in translation, interpreting, teaching and research.  Promote raised aspirations and attainment of students in secondary school and higher education, thereby widening access to language study and helping to encourage a broader social profile of undergraduates studying languages (gender, ethnicity, socio- economic background, diversity of languages).  Promote greater collaboration between participating universities, schools and key stakeholders, including cooperation between academic communities with different identities and between academics and managers in widening participation and careers services.

3 Routes East Midlands  Nottingham Trent University  University of Nottingham  University of Leicester  De Montfort University  Loughborough University

4 Events / Activities  Masterclasses  Revision workshops  Summer schools  Why study Languages talks  Adopt a class  After school clubs

5 University of Leicester activity  Why study language talks  Delivered by current Language ambassadors.  Any / all year groups to raise aspirations generally  Run at specific times of year to inform choices– before GCSE options and / or post -16 options.  Motivational – include element on study abroad opportunities as well as value of languages.  Email for more info or to book

6  Adopt a class scheme  Aims are to:  raise the aspirations of pupils to learn a European language  help pupils to understand other cultures  raise aspirations to continue studying languages and understand the opportunities for travel and personal development  help pupils to understand the importance of language skills to gain employment in the future  3 year project  Work with 1 class  Year 7  Paired up with a second year Language ambassador – French, Spanish or Italian (could be a mix of 2 of these) University of Leicester activity

7 Adopt a class scheme  Ambassador goes into school once or twice during summer term to run interactive language activity (yr7)  Whilst on their year abroad, ambassador will keep in touch with their class through e-mentoring site – brightlinks. (yr8)  Content to include pictures, video clips, blogs, sound files, commentary etc.  On their return from their year abroad, ambassador to go back into school to do follow up session (yr9)  Also work with primary – year 4 - 6

8 Adopt a Class mascot

9 Masterclasses  Yr 10 to be run before Easter holidays  Yr 8 / 9 potentially to be run in summer term  Small group of students attend – 6-10 – to allow multiple schools to participate  3 or 4 different sessions to include 1 non-European Language.  Also includes working with current students and having a tour of the campus.

10 Your thoughts / ideas? Anything else we could be doing to support language learning in your school /college? Interested in University of Leicester activity contact me at For all other activities, contact –Mirella Santamaria Senior Lecturer History, Languages and International Studies - Project Manager, East Midlands Consortium –Email: tel: 0115 8483272

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