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Business and the Town Centre Dr Julie Grail Chief Executive, British BIDs.

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Presentation on theme: "Business and the Town Centre Dr Julie Grail Chief Executive, British BIDs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business and the Town Centre Dr Julie Grail Chief Executive, British BIDs

2 British BIDs The Voice for BIDs Delivering Quality Services and Standards for the BID Industry

3 What role can business play in the reimagining of town centres?

4 Its not just about shops, the evening offer is just as important

5 Can business be involved in service delivery and amenity?

6 What about the role of employers of office or factory based staff?

7 Place Management 1980s Early partnerships 1990s Town Centre Management 2000s Business Improvement Districts 2010s Commercial approach to collaboration

8 What is a BID? BIDs are business-led partnerships focused on improving and enhancing commercial areas through a mandatory levy.

9 National BID Timeline 2003/04 Legislation 2005 First BIDs 2010 First Renewals 2013 169 BIDs

10 169 BIDs

11 70,000 Businesses

12 550 Staff

13 1,500 Board Members

14 190 Property Owners

15 £100 Million

16 What role can business play in the reimagining of town centres?

17 Ipswich Central BID Turning our Town Around

18 Rugby First BID Retail Start-Up Scheme

19 Vauxhall One BID Vibrant VoHo

20 Its not just about shops the evening offer is just as important

21 Birmingham Retail BID Style Birmingham Live AW12

22 Leamington BID Lantern Parade

23 Totally Truro BID Ice Skate Truro

24 Preston BID Prestfest

25 Can business be involved in service delivery and amenity?

26 Bath BID Trade Waste and Recycling Initiative

27 Falmouth BID Telling the Falmouth Story

28 Nottingham BID The Floral Trail

29 What about the role of employers of office or factory staff?

30 Inmidtown BID Collective Purchasing

31 Victoria BID Green Business Initiative

32 Heart of London Business Alliance WOW Privilege Card

33 4 x BIDs* Employ SE1 Better Bankside; Team London Bridge; Waterloo Quarter: Vauxhall One

34 Place Management through BIDs is about managing a town centre as if it were a single business identity A visible business-led place management company that is making a measurable difference to the business environment for those that pay the levy

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