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Visible Light & Color OBJECTIVE: SWBAT identify the different colors of the visible light and compare each of its frequency and wavelength.

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Presentation on theme: "Visible Light & Color OBJECTIVE: SWBAT identify the different colors of the visible light and compare each of its frequency and wavelength."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visible Light & Color OBJECTIVE: SWBAT identify the different colors of the visible light and compare each of its frequency and wavelength.

2 Essential Question: How do we perceive colors?

3 1. What is visible light? -smallest part of the EM spectrum that the human eyes can see Red to Violet (ROYGBIV)

4 What are the different colors of visible light? Red – lowest energy, longest wavelength Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet – highest energy, shortest wavelength ROY G BIVROY G BIV

5 Which color has the most energy and short/small wavelength???

6 Color Violet the HIGHEST energy… and SHORT wavelength

7 Which color has the lowest energy and long/big wavelength???

8 Color Red the LOWEST energy… and LONG wavelength

9 What happens when you wear WHITE on a hot day?

10 How do we get white? ???

11 2. White light ALL the colors ROY G BIV being REFLECTED

12 What happens when you wear BLACK on a hot day?

13 How do we get black? ???

14 3. Black ALL colors of rainbow being ABSORBED.

15 Example: Fashion Fall/Winter Colors Spring/Summer Colors

16 4. How do we see color?

17 4. HOW DO WE SEE COLORS? First, light goes from the source (sun, lamp, etc.) to the object. Second, the color we see is reflected and the rest is absorbed by the object.

18 WHITE When all colors are REFLECTED We see WHITE

19 BLACK When all colors are ABSORBED We see BLACK

20 Summary Answer the essential question: How do we perceive color?

21 Summary Answer the essential question: How do we perceive color? Light from sun reflects off object and we see the color that is reflected. Quick Review Point What is the smallest band of the Electromagnetic spectrum?

22 HW: How We See Light 1. House Plant What color(s) go in? What color (s) go out?

23 Review When white light hits an object, all the colors are absorbed except for the color of that object. Example: Blue – All colors absorbed except blue, which is reflected to eye. White – No colors are absorbed. All colors are reflected to eye. (white light) Black – All colors are absorbed. No colors are reflected to eye.

24 Activity Instructions For this activity, you will be given a colored balloon. You will see objects of various colors on the screen. If the color you have is absorbed by the object, you need to cover the balloon with your body. DON’T POP IT!! If the color you have is reflected by the object, you need to reflect the balloon into the air above you.

25 Confused? It’s okay…let’s give it a shot. All colors are absorbed except…

26 Let’s get started… Pay close attention to the MAIN color

























51 LAST ONE… Get Ready!!!


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