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Addressing the Needs of English Language Learners 1 Francie Christopher & Stephanie Christenot KU Institute for Educational Research & Public Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing the Needs of English Language Learners 1 Francie Christopher & Stephanie Christenot KU Institute for Educational Research & Public Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing the Needs of English Language Learners 1 Francie Christopher & Stephanie Christenot KU Institute for Educational Research & Public Service

2 Kansas Migrant & ELL Academy 2 Professional development for general education teachers of migrant students and ELLs 2009-2010 Middle School Cohort 2010-2011 High School Cohort 2011-2012 Elementary Cohort

3 That’s Me!

4 Add-on Story 4

5 Activity: Fill in the Blanks 5 The questions that p____________ face as they raise ch_______ from in________ to adult life are not easy to an______. Both fa________ and m_________ can become concerned when health problems such as co___________ arise any time after the e__________ stage to later life. Experts recommend that young ch_________ should have plenty of s__________ and nutritious food for healthy growth. B________ and g _______should not share the same b__________ or even sleep in the same r__________. They may be afraid of the d ___________.

6 Answers 6 The questions that poultrymen face as they raise chickens from incubation to adult life are not easy to answer. Both farmers and merchants can become concerned when health problems such as coccidiosis may arise any time after the egg stage to later life. Experts recommend that young chicks get plenty of sunshine and nutritious food for healthy growth. Banties and geese should not share the same barnyard or even sleep in the same roost. They may be afraid of the dark.

7 Open Word Sort You have been given a word. Find other people with whom you can form a ‘group’. Everyone in the group needs to be prepared to explain how your group was formed.

8 Word Sort Spanish Portuguese French Malay

9 EnglishSpanishPortugueseFrenchMalay fruitsde frutade frutasde fruitsbuah- buahan apple banana orange grape pineapple guava mango grapefruit la manzana el plátano la naranja de uva de piña la guayaba el mango la toronja de maçã a banana laranja de uva abacaxi goiaba mango toranja pomme banane orange raisin ananas goyave mangue pamplemousse apel pisang jeruk anggur nanas jambu mangga jeruk besar

10 EnglishSpanishPortugueseFrenchMalay sciencecienciaciênciasciencesains beaker microscope biology planet sun moon germs goggles cubeta microscopio biología planeta sol luna microbios gafas copo com bico microscópio biologia planeta sol lua germes óculos de proteção vase à bec microscope biologie planète soleil lune germes lunettes protectrices beaker mikroskop biologi planet matahari bulan kuman kacamata

11 EnglishSpanishPortugueseFrenchMalay Mathe- matics Mate- máticas Mate- mática Mathé- matiques Mate- matika triangle square equation circle equals less than geometry hypotenuse angle triángulo cuadrado ecuación círculo iguala menos que geometría hipotenusa angulo triângulo quadrado equation círculo semelhantes menos que geometria hypotenuse ângulo triangle carré equação cercle égaux moins que géométrie hypoténuse angle segitiga perseguí persamaan lingkaran sama dengan kurang dari geometri hipotenusa sudut

12 The Marlup A marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. "Why did vump horp whev in my frinkle kump?" the marlup jufd the narg. "Er'm muvvily trungy," the narg grupped. "Er heshed vump norpled whev in your kump. Do vump pove your kump frinkle?"

13 Comprehension Questions 1.What did the narg horp in the marlup's kump?

14 The Marlup A marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. "Why did vump horp whev in my frinkle kump?" the marlup jufd the narg. "Er'm muvvily trungy," the narg grupped. "Er heshed vump norpled whev in your kump. Do vump pove your kump frinkle?"

15 Comprehension Questions 1.What did the narg horp in the marlup's kump? 2. What did the marlup juf the narg?

16 The Marlup A marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. "Why did vump horp whev in my frinkle kump?" the marlup jufd the narg. "Er'm muvvily trungy," the narg grupped. "Er heshed vump norpled whev in your kump. Do vump pove your kump frinkle?"

17 Comprehension Questions 1.What did the narg horp in the marlup's kump? 2. What did the marlup juf the narg? 3. Was the narg trungy?

18 The Marlup A marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. "Why did vump horp whev in my frinkle kump?" the marlup jufd the narg. "Er'm muvvily trungy," the narg grupped. "Er heshed vump norpled whev in your kump. Do vump pove your kump frinkle?"

19 Comprehension Questions 1.What did the narg horp in the marlup's kump? 2. What did the marlup juf the narg? 3. Was the narg trungy? 4. How does the marlup pove his kump?

20 The Marlup A marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. "Why did vump horp whev in my frinkle kump?" the marlup jufd the narg. "Er'm muvvily trungy," the narg grupped. "Er heshed vump norpled whev in your kump. Do vump pove your kump frinkle?"

21 What would have helped... 21 marlup narg

22 22 pove kump

23 marlup = fatherpove = vacuum kump = carparmily = suddenly narg = childhorp = toss whev = dirtvump = you frinkle = cleanuf = ask Er = Imuvvily = awfully trungy = sorrygrup = say hesh = thinknorple = want If you substitute...

24 A father was vacuuming his car. Suddenly a child tossed some dirt in his car. "Why did you toss dirt in my clean car?" the father asked the child. "I'm awfully sorry," the child said. "I thought you wanted dirt in your car. Do you vacuum your car clean?" The passage reads...

25 Conclusions 1.Establish empathy 2.Think about language 3.Focus on what ELLs can do! 4.Appreciate the advantages of being bilingual/bicultural Contact Information: 25

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