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PCC 2015 Nominations Committee Annual General Meeting Friday June 5 th, 2015 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fallsview Casino Grand Hall ‘E’, Niagara Falls,ON.

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Presentation on theme: "PCC 2015 Nominations Committee Annual General Meeting Friday June 5 th, 2015 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fallsview Casino Grand Hall ‘E’, Niagara Falls,ON."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCC 2015 Nominations Committee Annual General Meeting Friday June 5 th, 2015 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fallsview Casino Grand Hall ‘E’, Niagara Falls,ON

2 C OMMITTEE Darren Sandbeck, Past President, Chair Kelly Nash, Executive Director Grant Therrien, STARS Christine Krajewski -Niagara EMS Bob Alexander, BCAS

3 E LECTION P ROCESS Only Tier 1 members may be elected to board positions. Election of board members will be by secret ballot. Only members who have paid their 2015 membership dues are permitted to vote. Voting cards will be issued to Tier 1 members and proxies In the event of a tie, the decision will be made via a coin toss

4 B OARD E LECTION Tier 1 members elect the Board of Directors, one per province. In the event that more than one individual is nominated in any province, an election will occur for the Provincial seat. 11 provincial board positions will be elected. One board position per Province (10) and one for the Territories (Nunavut, Yukon, NWT). Nominees must be Tier 1 members in good standing. ALL Tier 1 members, and proxies are eligible to vote for both the Board and Executive positions.

5 E XECUTIVE E LECTION 1. From the Board - Tier 1 members nominate individuals for the position of P RESIDENT. As per the new bylaws, the President’s term is 3 years. 2.From the Board - Tier 1 members nominate individuals for the position of V ICE P RESIDENT. As per the new bylaws, the Vice President’s term is 2 years. 3. From the Board - Tier 1 members nominate for both the positions of S ECRETARY and T REASURER. As per the new bylaws, both of these position terms are one year.

6 Following the Executive elections, the seven remaining Board members will be assigned terms. Terms will be distributed randomly via the drawing of names from a hat; – Three (3) Board members - 3 year terms – Two (2) Board members - 2 year terms – Two (2) Board members - 1 year terms T ERM D ISTRIBUTION

7 P ROXY V OTING Tier 1 members unable to attend the Annual General Meeting in person are permitted to designate an alternate member their vote via proxy. A proxy vote may be extended to a non- voting member of the association A single member may only possess three (3) proxy votes at the AGM. Proxy votes are only permitted provided they are received, in writing, by May 29 th ( seven days in advance of the AGM ).

8 Paramedic Chiefs of Canada 2015 Annual General Meeting Friday June 5 th, 2015 Fallsview Casino

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