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Numeracy classes.  Number fluency in every lesson.  Clear purpose for every lesson.  Formal structure for every lesson  Students working on tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "Numeracy classes.  Number fluency in every lesson.  Clear purpose for every lesson.  Formal structure for every lesson  Students working on tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numeracy classes

2  Number fluency in every lesson.  Clear purpose for every lesson.  Formal structure for every lesson  Students working on tasks beyond their current levels of thinking. (differentiated tasks)  Teachers communicating high expectations and using purposeful feedback.  Established classroom norms for working.


4  It must happen EVERY Lesson  Maximum of 10 minutes  This is not a time for teaching, it’s time for practise.  This does not have to relate to the main activity.  Sometimes the students can decide.  Every students should be participating for the ten minutes.  Be careful with your choice of activity to ensure all students are active for those 10 minutes.


6  Students are given a deck of cards. They flip over the cards and mentally add them. They see how many they can add in 30seconds. Students can record their achievements in their books. (This can be used as an assessment)

7  Students are given a deck of cards and start with 100 points. They flip over the cards and mentally subtract them from 100. They see who is the first to get to the lowest number in 30 seconds.

8  Whole class stand in a circle and count by a number including decimals. A digit is identified as the BUZZ digit. When this digit is the answer the word BUZZ is said instead of the answer. Start at different starting points and change the number you are adding or subtracting.

9  The teacher writes 6 two digit numbers on the board and identify what the students have to do with those numbers. For example add 12, subtract 15 to the numbers on the board and they do this as a chorus while the teacher moves their hands from side to side as they count.

10 62 11 84 73 20 11 49

11 Students choose 4 fractions/numbers and write in the arrows the relationship between those numbers or how to get there.


13  Students have a calculator and they are to use the constant key to add a number eg 0.75 and they are to record it and see how high they can get in 8 minutes. They will see that using a calculator will slow them down. Use a number that is appropriate and ween the students off the calculator.

14  Students stand in any chosen place in the room. Use the same rules as buzz to count around the room while throwing a ball. If the ball is dropped or the students doesn’t know the answer they are out.

15  Students stand in a large circle and place their hands above and under the hands of the person next to them. They are to clap the hand of the person next to them. They are to count forwards if the claps are going clockwise and backwards if it’s going anticlockwise. Any student can change direction when they want to.

16  Teacher chooses a 6 digit number and the students have to guess what it is. The teacher gives clues as to how close they are. MillionsHundreds of Thousands Tens of Thousands Thousan ds Hundred s Ten s Ones 6579410

17  Students are in groups of 2 and start at 1. One person is to add 1 or 2 to 1 and they say that number. The other student does the same to the new number. The person who says 11 wins.

18  Each student has a number above their head. They have to guess it by asking the class yes or no questions. Reward students for creative questions such as Is it a prime number? Is it a multiple of 10? etc.

19  Roll the dice and the students place the first number in the ones position.  Roll the dice again and the students place that number in the ones or tens position. This continues until all positions are filled up. They add these numbers and the person with the largest number wins. This can be done with decimals also.


21  Students are given a triangle and they are to write down factors of that number.

22  2000 4050

23  Students sit in pairs and have a half a deck of cards each. They are to lay out seven cards and add them to find a total. The person with the highest total wins that round. To determine the points they turn over one more card. The number on the card determines the points for that round.

24  Students stand in a circle around the room. The teacher has a number in their head and the students have to guess. Start with the first student and say whether the number is higher or lower. Then going around the circle the students continue to guess until they have it.  You can use a hundreds chart to eliminate possible answers or a notepad for the older students.

25  Prep – Numbers 0-20  Encourage higher order questions like “Does it have a group of 10?” Grade 1-2 numbers between 0-100 Encourage higher order questions like “ Is it odd/even” “Do you say it if you are counting by 10’s” Grade 3-4 Numbers between 0-500 Encourage higher order questions like

26 Grade 3-4 Numbers between 0-500 or simple decimals Encourage higher order questions like “Is it a multiple of 5, 10?” “Is it a decimal” “Is there a digit in the hundredths column Grade 5-6 Numbers between 0-500 or decimals to 3 decimal places, fractions - improper and mixed numbers, negative numbers Encourage higher order questions like “Is it negative?” “Is it a decimal?” “Is there a digit in the hundredths column.”

27  Students have a number on their back and they go around the class asking yes or no questions to guess their number on their back.

28  Each student takes turn to draw a number and a doubling and halving instruction from the containers. Each student then tells the class. Go around the class and the student gets a point if they can tell you what it is. Students in the class can challenge. 

29  Organise the students into two teams. They line up in two lines. The teacher calls out an equation and the team with a calculator can only call it out if they have the number on the screen. The brain team calls it out whenever they know it.

30  Choose a group of 6 students and they stand out in front of the class. The choose a card such as +3 or -10 and a starting number. These students do not tell the audience what is on the card. They start counting and the audience have to guess the pattern.

31  Students are in groups of 5 and the teacher calls out a number and the students create that fact on their fingers eg. Teacher calls out 24 and the group creates 3 groups of 8 or 4 groups of 6 on their fingers.

32  Provide calculators. Ask students to enter a 5 digit number eg. 25.365. Say wipeout 5. Students should enter -0.005. They continue to wipe out the numbers until they get down to zero. They can record their turns in their books.

33  Select a number such as 5. When a 5 is tossed, the game will stop. All students stand apart from one student who keeps a progressive total on a calculator. Toss and die and have all the students record the result. Toss it again. For each toss of the die, students add to their progressive total. Students’ aim to record the highest possible score and ‘save it’ by sitting down before the 5 is tossed. The seated student wit the highest score when a 5 is tossed is the winner. Use an 8 or 10 sided die for variety.

34  Have the answers to equations on a 5X5 grid. The teacher call out a question and students who have the answer on their game board place a counter on top. The first person to have all 25 counter on their board calls out bingo and wins.

35  Students write as many numerical expression for the number 12 as they can within 5 minutes. For example 7+5, 20-8, 4X3, 24/2. And so on.  At the end of this activity, they score each correct expression in the following way: addition is worth 1 point, subtraction is worth 2 points, multiplication is worth 3 points and division is worth four points.

36  Give students four minutes to find as many four digit numbers that make a total of 13. For example 5242, 4261, 6241 and so on.

37  Provide students with cards that have fractions, decimals and percentages that match eg 75%, ¾ and 0.75. Each student gets a card and students move around and find their group.

38  Students are organised in groups of four. Each group is given four numbers such as 0.4258, 0.4058, 0.548, 0.2485. Without speaking those students are to put themselves in order. This can be done for the whole class rather than small groups.

39  Students are in groups of 5 and the teacher calls out a number and the students create that fact on their fingers eg. Teacher calls out 24 and the group creates 3 groups of 8 or 4 groups of 6 on their fingers.

40  A = $1, B = $2, … Z = $26  Q. How much are you worth? Q.Can you find a word worth $100?

41  Tell the students what they will learn during the lesson.  Review where you have been and where you will be going.  ‘In this lesson you will...’  ‘By the end of this session you will be able to...’  State it very clearly for them.  Write it on the board  Students are expected to write it at the top of their page.  Preps and grade 1’s repeat it after you.

42  If you are working in a group – the mantra needs to be *I agree, I understand, I can explain. The teacher can call on any member to report back. Each student has a communal responsibility to explain to someone in the group if they don’t understand.  You will do your best at all times.  You will be expected to explain your thinking.  You will be expected to use mathematical language.

43  You will be expected to look after the maths equipment and return it when you are finished.  You will be expected to record your findings.  You will be expected to persevere.  You will be expected to work with students that may not be your best friends.  You will be expected to work through difficult problems where the answer does not seem obvious.  Everyone’s contribution is valid.

44 Everyone’s contribution is valid Risk taking is expected We will all be working beyond our current safe boundaries.

45  Departments language  Launch, Explore, Summarise  e5 model  Engage – Launch  Explore – Explore  Explain and Elaborate – Summarise  Evaluate – Assessment -(Formal – ongoing)

46  Number Fluency – max. 10 minutes  Today’s focus is: (Written or Oral)  Launch: 10-15 minutes  Explore: 20-25 minutes Differentiated tasks  Summarise: 10-15minutes. (Written or Oral)

47  What skills are you going to need to complete the lesson?  Remind students of maths resources they might need to complete the lesson?  Revise new vocabulary and understandings.  Students write down the purpose of the lesson.  It is Munro’s Getting Knowledge Ready for maths!

48  Students may be : ◦ involved in a teaching group ◦ consolidating learning ◦ working independently ◦ completing written work ◦ playing games in partners or small groups ◦ problem solving ◦ applying skills to various real life maths situations

49  Each student is working at a level beyond their current level of understanding. (Zone of Proximal Development)  The teaching group is fluid and flexible.  The activities are rich and engaging learning experiences.  They are directly related to the information discussed in the Launch.  Student groups are fluid

50  Doing something different for every student in the class  Using groups that never change  Isolating struggling students within the class  Never allowing struggling students to work independently.  Never engaging in whole class activities with all students participating in the same endeavour.

51  Teachers are expected to: ◦ conduct a focussed teaching group ◦ rove and assist where needed ◦ conduct individual conferencing ◦ correcting ◦ question student understanding ◦ provide effective feedback (written or oral) ◦ extend students if needed.

52  Don’t just share the work – share the strategy  Don’t wait until the end to share  Let the students know you are expecting them to share.  When a lesson has not gone as planned you as the teacher may have to summarise the lesson.  Each student writes a review. ‘When we do this tomorrow I have to remember that...’

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