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Winter Recreation 2 5 th Session – January 31 U7/U8 – Passing in Pairs.

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1 Winter Recreation 2 5 th Session – January 31 U7/U8 – Passing in Pairs

2 When you get there Cones, bibs, and Pugg Goals will be at the white boxes Go to the field that you are assigned to on the map Please wear a watch so you can start playing at ten after the hour at the latest (6:10pm or 7:10pm) Once you have played a tag game for a little while make sure to get the ball involved in some way As players enter the dome we will send them your way once you have 6 players get going Wear your HS gear or WSC stuff if you have some

3 Field Map T-RexLions Elephants Sharks Cheetahs EaglesDolphins Bears Molly Claire/Tina Mitchell Mark MaddieLuke Bailey/HannahTina – U7/U8G Lexi

4 Key Coach Players Players w/ball Cones Balls

5 Activity 1 – Body Part Dribble -Every player has there ball with them get them to dribble around the space -Players will need to slow down so give them the hint that they should try to touch their ball each step they take -Remind players they can dribble different speeds and show them -Talk to them about the surface of the foot they can use -Now while the are dribbling get them to stop the ball with different parts of their body: -Sole of foot -Belly -Backside -Elbow -Knee -Etc. Get dribbling Stop it with your knee

6 Activity 2 – Pairs Ball Retrieve -Get players into pairs with one ball -Take the players ball and toss it or roll it away and give them a task to bring it back -Bring it back with: -Four hands -Four feet -One hand, two knees, and one elbow -Four knees -If you notice a pair doing something cool or different acknowledge it and ask the other pairs to copy it -Players will be able to do the task 2/3 times then move onto new task Four Hands Good idea. Try again another way

7 Activity 3 – Space Invaders -Start by giving each player a cone to spread around the space -Play a short round without the ball and then play rounds with the ball -The players are galactic space rangers -The cones are aliens and the players need to dribble to a cone touch it with their ball and flip the cone over with their hand on the flip -Make sure the players make the sound of their galactic space blaster when they flip a cone -Have players keep score of how many they flip then challenge them to beat their own score (self- referenced) -To increase the challenge change what the player has to do when they approach the alien Go! Bajshh Puinn Bang bang Don’t forget to make your blaster sound

8 Activity 4 – Score, Score, Score with a partner -Have three more gates then pairs so there are always plenty of open gates -Get players into pairs with one ball -To score players need to pass thru gat to partner -Let ‘em play a round then show how to take their 1 st touch in the direction they want to go next -Encourage them to go to the open gate and how much easier it is -Show players ways to pass to their partner -The players try to beat their own score because it is self referenced -Can play a few rounds and thencome up with other ways to score -Pass thru one gate dribble thru next pass/dribble alternating -Pass thru 2x for it to count Go How many did you score? On e Zero

9 Activity 5 – Play -Split the players onto two teams -Play 4v4 with a few subs -Have a pile of balls ready to go that you will send onto the field when it goes out of bounds -Each time a ball goes out of bounds or a goal is scored yell “New Ball” and distribute a new ball on the field -Can you get the ball to players that haven’t been involved -Can you distribute the ball to challenge the team that needs challenging -Players will clump together and chase the ball – that is normal -Parents will want to help collect balls have them hold onto the balls and then collect them when you run out so players get a rest New Ball

10 Thanks Have fun and be decisive!

11 WR2 U7U8 Week 5 – Jan 31 Warm-up – Body Part Dribble Activity 2 – Pairs Ball Retrieve Activity 3 – Space Invaders Activity 4 – Score, Score, Score w/Partner Play Every player has a ball and gets dribbling Get players to stop the dribble with different parts of their body Players partner up with one ball for each pair with their extended to you Take their ball toss it Task pairss with some way to bring it back In partners with one ball How many gates can the pass thru in short rounds Touch on 1 st touch and passing surfaces Every player has a ball Players dribble to cone touch it with ball and flip it Make sounds when you subdue the alien

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