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Empowerment of the “Common Man”

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1 Empowerment of the “Common Man”
The Age of Jackson, Empowerment of the “Common Man”

2 The “New Democracy” Comparison to Jeffersonian Democracy
“government for the people” vs. “government done by the people” Universal Manhood Suffrage! No property qualifications New Western States Eastern States reduce voter requirements *Frederick Jackson Turner*

3 “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”
Cheap, available land has developed the “American character”. Critics look for more complex thesis Impact on Americans’ psyche

4 Rise of Workingman’s Parties
Laborers in the East 10 hour day Education for children No debtor’s prison “Locos Focos”, 1820s

5 Causes of the New Democracy
Panic of 1819 Speculators BUS McCullough v. Maryland, 1819 Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820) Balance between Slave and Free New Political Age Two-Party system: Democrats vs. National Republicans, 1832 Replaces “Era of Good Feelings” New style of campaigning Demise of the caucus Electoral College by popular vote Nominating conventions

6 Election of 1824 Corrupt Bargain: Jackson vs. Adams
House of Representatives Support of “American System” Henry Clay, Secretary of State

7 The Tariff of Abominations, 1828
Congress increases Protective Tariff Protective Tariff, 1816 Tariff of 1824: 23% to 37% Ploy by Jacksonians to defeat Adams Election of 1828 John C. Calhoun’s “The Southern Carolina Exposition” Theory of Nullification (Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions)

8 Election of 1828 A lot of “mudslinging” The “Revolution of 1828”
First president from the West No sitting president since John Adams Voter turnout – Universal Manhood Suffrage

9 “Old Hickory’s” Administrations, 1828-1836
New section of the West Hero of the Common Man Hated American System Defied the Supreme Court and Congress Number of Vetoes “King Andrew I”

10 Jacksonian Democracy Increase in manhood suffrage End of Caucus
Use of State conventions End of Caucus Spoils System!!! Martin Van Buren, “Albany Regency” Rotation in office, “turn about is fair play” Set precedent for “clean sweeps” Political corruption

11 Jackson’s Cabinet and Resignation of Calhoun
“Kitchen Cabinet” Unofficial 13 advisors Webster-Hayne Debate, 1829 Cause: Bill to curb sale of public lands Lasted 9 days in Senate States’ Rights versus Federal Government “Liberty and Union…”, articulation of Union Jefferson Day Toast, 1830 “Our Union, it must be preserved!” Eaton Affair, 1832 Peggy Eaton

12 Nullification Crisis, 1832 South still angry – Tariff of Abominations
Tariff of 1832 (35% from 45%) South nullifies Tariff of 1832 Threatens secession Clay proposed a compromise! Tariff of 1833 Force Bill passed by Congress (face-saver)

13 Election of 1832 Clay versus Jackson Clay’s American System
Jackson’s “Divorce Bill End BUS (ploy by Clay) Bank Wars (Nicholas Biddle) McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819) BUS strengths: Organized Reduced Bank Failures Issued sound Bank notes Credit and currency available

14 “Pet” Banks State banks 23 banks Overseen by Roger B. Taney
Specie Circular: public lands bought with “hard” money


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