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Tariff and Non-tariff barriers, enforcement of WTO rules DG Trade - F3, C. Hallberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Tariff and Non-tariff barriers, enforcement of WTO rules DG Trade - F3, C. Hallberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tariff and Non-tariff barriers, enforcement of WTO rules DG Trade - F3, C. Hallberg

2 Tariff vs. non-tariff barrier Tariff - customs duty or tax levied only on imported goods for domestic consumption "at the boarder". Non-tariff –measure "behind-the-boarder" that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff (domestic regulations: standards, testing, labelling or transparency. etc. but also issues such as distribution, quota) Both induce extra costs that raise the price for imported goods vs. the domestic like product.

3 Tariff barriers – Non Agricultural Simple average tariff rates Source: WTO

4 Tariff barriers – Footwear Simple average tariff rates Source: Market Access Database, DG TRADE

5 Tariff barriers – how do EU tackle them? WTO Doha round (since 2001) Liberalisation on the Multilateral scene FTA (Free Trade Agreements) Korea, Canada, Japan, US, Mercosur, Vietnam, Malaysia etc.

6 Non-tariff Barriers – what is behind some of them? A challenge for regulators … to ensure products are safe, and provide consumers with adequate information / confidence… … without excessive cost and administrative burden for producers who need to market their products.

7 Non-tariff Barriers – EU means for addressing them Horizontally within FTA In WTO – e.g. TBT committee Bilaterally on a case-by-case

8 Non-tariff Barriers – EU means for addressing them TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) is one NTB TBT agreement – notification, equal treatment (Art 2.1) and proportionality (Art 2.2) TBT data base (DG ENTER) subscription for EU industry (lodging complaints, receive information etc.) Example. Footwear Russia

9 Enforcing WTO rules – two mechanisms Tackling unfair trade – Anti-Dumping, Anti- Subsidy, Safeguard DSU - Dispute Settlement Understanding

10 Enforcing WTO rules – Anti Dumping What is dumping? Dumped price (vs. domestic in 3 rd country or below cost of production) EU industry injured Causality between the dumping and injury EU vs. Company(ies) (not countries) in third country Initiated by complaint of EU industry (contact DG TRADE Unit H1). Council decide on extra AD duties after investigation.

11 Enforcing WTO rules – DSU DSU - Dispute Settlement Understanding In FTAs, WTO Provide rapid(!?) settlement of disputes TBR (Trade Barrier Regulation) Provides help to EU companies (contact DG TRADE F2) Eg. Recycling fees on cars in Russia

12 Thank you DG Trade - F3, C. Hallberg

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