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North Manchester CCG Activity Plans 2015/16. Demand – GP Referrals Actual growth 2013/14 to 2014/15 3.6%

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Presentation on theme: "North Manchester CCG Activity Plans 2015/16. Demand – GP Referrals Actual growth 2013/14 to 2014/15 3.6%"— Presentation transcript:

1 North Manchester CCG Activity Plans 2015/16

2 Demand – GP Referrals Actual growth 2013/14 to 2014/15 3.6%

3 Scheduled Care Plans 2014/15 FOT minus additional 18 week non recurrent activity 2% growth, 3180 1,266 reduction in 1st outpatient attendances source of referral C2C 2,716 reduction in follow up outpatient attendances 2015/16 plan is -1% less than 2014/15 forecast outturn

4 Scheduled Care Plans 2014/15 FOT minus additional 18 week non recurrent activity 2% growth, £330K £135K reduction due to 0.8% tariff deflator £203K reduction in 1st outpatient attendances source of referral C2C £258K reduction in follow up outpatient attendances 2015/16 plan is -2.3% less than 2014/15 forecast outturn

5 Unscheduled Care Plans 2014/15 FOT 2% growth, 507 admissions QIPP reduction, 738 admissions. 2015/16 plan is -0.9% less than 2014/15 forecast outturn based on current deflections (i.e. 2.9% overall deflections including projected growth (additional NEL admission avoidance deflections are being developed).

6 Unscheduled Care Plans 2014/15 FOT 2% growth, £773K Tariff deflator (0.8%), £315K QIPP reduction, £1,100K admissions 2015/16 plan is -1.7% less than 2014/15 forecast outturn

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